New On-line ‘Side Income’ For Tradies a Growing Trend in the Digital Age

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Hawthorne California - a former carpenter decides to put down his tools and join the masses moving from the workshop to the home office.

Ash Davies is a carpenter who has recently discovered the benefits of sharing his knowledge of tools, woodworking and carpentry in online spaces.

He is part of a rising trend of people who are looking for new ways in which to capitalise on their existing skills while reaping the benefit of passive income on the side.

His website, reviews products – mostly power tools, that are needed in woodworking projects and general DIY carpentry.

‘I wanted to provide an authentic voice to the products I myself use and the ones my dad uses too.” Ash said.

Ash said he stumbled across the idea when researching a product he wanted to buy for his own woodworking project. It prompted him to follow suit and start his own niche site so he could share his knowledge and experience online.

Ash went on to say, “One day I was looking for some advice on a new miter saw I wanted to buy, and came across a bunch of ‘review sites’ that discussed the tool I was after. It made me realise that I too have a wealth of knowledge on wood cutting tools (and other tools and equipment) and perhaps my experience and expertise can help someone else.”

As a veteran of the industry and a woodworking enthusiast, Ash knows his trade well but is new to website design and management.

“I didn’t have the slightest clue how I was going to go about launching my own site, but had some friends who had done something similar. They helped to point me in the right direction” He said.

Simply put, niche sites are websites structured around a particular subject (such as a hobby or interest) and are generally targeted to a specific audience. The site serves to address popular ideas and interests within the niche including reviews of products related to the niche.

Usually niche sites will contain affiliate links and or advertisements of some sort (pay per click or products or both) with readers enticed to visit another website in an attempt to sell the reader a product or service.

Gary Wilcott, a niche site entrepreneur expressed, “essentially niche sites are a form of marketing that provides useful content for the users and low set up costs for the owner. If built correctly, they can be quite profitable too – from just some extra income to help pay monthly bills to generous amounts that can replace a full-time job or salary.”

Ash indicated that he “enjoys writing on anything relating to woodworking” and intends to make his site “valuable to those who visit it.” He further added, “for this reason, not all of my articles contain affiliate links. I don’t want the site to be too spammy. If I can earn a few dollars on the side, well that’s just a bonus. Ill probably just buy a beer or two with it!” He said.

A specialist in Search Engine Optimisation, Gary revealed that niche sites “require a lot of time and effort with the most successful ones offering original and useful content from those passionate about their subject matter.”

Although only new to niche site creation, Ash has a target audience in mind and a vision for his site. He disclosed, “my aim is to attract visitors who are after some know how and to help other budding and senior craftsman with their projects and DIY needs.”

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