New Jersey Outpatient Group Clinic: Holistic Healing Treatment For OCD Announced

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New Jersey dual diagnosis treatment center Relevance Behavioral Health (866-985-5265) announces holistic healing for obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) through their premier outpatient group clinic.

Following the announcement, the outpatient clinic offers comprehensive, integrative, and holistic treatments customized to address the unique challenges individuals face when coping with OCD. At Relevance Behavioral Health, the goal is to provide personalized care that addresses the person as a whole rather than just their disorder, promoting long-term recovery and healthier coping mechanisms.

More information is available at

OCD is a mental health condition characterized by persistent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions), and repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions). These obsessions and compulsions can significantly disrupt daily life, causing distress, anxiety, and social withdrawal. The group clinic at Relevance Behavioral Health provides accurate, up-to-date information about the nature of OCD and a range of leading treatment options.

“OCD can manifest in countless ways, and its impact varies from person to person,” says a spokesperson for the clinic. “We’re dedicated to shedding light on this often-misunderstood condition, offering insights, guidance, and support to those who are affected by it.”

From excessive or ritualized hand washing, repeated cleaning of household objects, and the ordering or arranging of things in a particular way to repeatedly checking locks, switches, appliances, doors, etc., the range of behaviors that can characterize OCD is broad. The therapists at Relevance Behavioral Health therefore work closely with their clients to understand the intricacies of their individual struggles for the development of customized treatment.

The center's group therapy clinics provide a safe and welcoming space for patients to connect with others who share similar challenges, helping them gain insight, support, and encouragement from their peers. Through sharing with others and listening to their struggles, these clinics create a safe space for personal growth and the development of healthy life skills for long-term recovery.

Relevance Behavioral Health also offers a range of evidence-based treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy, which identifies and challenges the negative thought patterns and beliefs contributing to an individual’s OCD. The team also provides exposure and response therapy which gradually exposes the individual to their OCD triggers while preventing a compulsive response.

Alternative therapies that incorporate mindfulness techniques, stress management strategies, and lifestyle adjustments are offered to promote overall mental health and resilience.

Through the outpatient clinic at Relevance Behavioral Health, individuals coping with OCD receive a comprehensive range of empowering treatment options, as well as the guidance and support needed to help them reclaim their lives.

Learn more at

Contact Info:
Name: Ashley Regan
Email: Send Email
Organization: Relevance Behavioral Health
Address: 61 W Main Street, Freehold Township, NJ 07726, United States
Phone: +1-866-245-1497

Release ID: 89128170