New Diabetes Breakthrough: the 5 Pillars for Improving and Managing Diabetes

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Diabetes breakthrough discovered by Chef/Nutritionist proves to be instrumental in improving Diabetic symptoms and promoting health in clients. Take advantage of this limited opportunity!

-- A Chef/Nutritionist discovered a Diabetes breakthrough by coaching Diabetics to better health. Chef Andrew has 20+ years as a Chef, Nutritionist, and Educator and has helped Diabetics improve their conditions, lower their average blood glucose, and lower their A1c numbers and improved clients’ health overall. Founded last year, Greens University and coaching program for Diabetics uses this unique breakthrough along with Nutrition knowledge and Chef skills. This breakthrough method is called “The Brooks Method”.

The Brooks method uses a unique approach to coaching and it centers around what is practical and workable for each person. The Brooks method does not give you a new diet or meal plan, for example. Instead, Chef Andrew works with your current diet to tweak and modify it to meet the highest Diabetic Standards but also make it taste delicious AND make it easy for you to do at home. No more anxiety over food choices, no more worry that meals will make you sick, no more feeling bad that another week has gone by and your numbers aren’t any better.

It’s perfect and the Brooks Method gets results. What are the results? Lower average blood glucose numbers, complete confidence and clarity on food choices, improved overall health and other secondary conditions including weight loss, improvements in blood pressure, and improvements in overall health as measured by BMI, overall weight, quality sleep, and improved diet.

Chef Andrew offers a food-focused solution to the Diabetes puzzle and the unique blend of Chef food and nutrition has proven to be the winning recipe. The program (as proclaimed by graduates) is so delicious, enjoyable, and sustainable. Most importantly, it works to improve Diabetic conditions when applied. This is not a diet; this is a totally new, unique approach to food, eating, managing your blood sugar, and improving your health.

To learn more about this breakthrough please visit the website : Greens University

Release ID: 89059524