MOVE Water Makes A Move On Mental Health, And You Can Too!

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The mental health organization NAMI is being supported by MOVE Water, and by purchasing a donation bundle from MOVE Water, you can also be part of that magnificent support.

MOVE Water Makes A Move On Mental Health

MOVE Water is resolute when it comes to the wellbeing of the mind, and are renowned supporters of mental health and wellbeing. It may be you who is suffering, or someone you know, (almost half of all adults will experience mental illness at some point in their life) and the good news is: everyone can do their bit to help and make a difference.

NAMI (The National Alliance on Mental Illness) is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization, who dedicate themselves to providing support and education to people from all walks of life, offering hope and recovery, to enable a healthier future without the suffering and stigma that comes with stress, anxiety and depression.

Did you know, that one of the major impacts on mental health could be dehydration? A whopping 75% of the brain is made up of water, so it’s a no-brainer, that a lack of it can have severe consequences on your mental wellbeing. As little as a 2% in drop in water can affect your emotions, making you feel more anxious and stressed, your brain will find it difficult to focus and a decrease in serotonin (a result of dehydration) will have a detrimental effect on your happiness. So to make sure you reap the positive impacts of hydration, raise a glass, or bottle and say cheers to water.

And MOVE Water can help you to do just that. Their water contains so many distinctive ingredients that can enhance your mental health wellbeing. Water sourced from unpolluted natural springs that is refreshing, vitalising and hydrating. Packed with all the essential minerals your brain needs to perform at its most optimum level, and added hemp that aids relaxation, helping you to become more engaged and in the moment.

And here’s what you can do to support mental health. When you purchase a MOVE donation bundle, MOVE will contribute $10 to the National Alliance on Mental Illness on your behalf. And because of your generosity, not only will you be helping to provide all mental health sufferers with the vital help they need, but you will gain too! Because in appreciation of your donation, you will receive a $10 gift card just for you, and a special limited-edition pin to wear with pride.

About the MOVE Water Company

MOVE Water was established in 2020 and is based in Camarillo, California. Their objective: to bring a distinct drink brand that’s not only refreshing and energizing, but presents many health benefits too. Their water, sourced directly from an underground spring is packed with minerals, essential for the health of both body and mind, and with the added supplement of hemp, giving a positive impact for the alleviation of many ailments including, knee and back pain, insomnia and anxiety, a winning formula that is gaining them renowned global recognition

Release ID: 89025797