Moore’s Law Creating Computer & e-Waste Recycling Issue for Orlando FL Landfills

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Inbuilt obsolescence and the pace of technical improvements in computer, cell phone and IT equipment is leading to toxic landfill problems in cities like Orlando because of what's known as e-Waste

In the opinion of Florida e-waste recycling experts Sensible Recycling, Moore’s Law, Intel Corporation co-founder Gordon Moore’s observation that computer chip density roughly doubles every 2 years has an alarming, less beneficial consequence for large tech-heavy cities like Orlando, Florida.

New, more capable chipsets lead to faster obsolescence of working computers, cell phones and the network server equipment that enables the interconnected world. As a result, businesses need to update their IT infrastructure frequently in order to compete in the fast moving electronic economy, and in doing so, create massive stock piles of old computing equipment known as e-waste that ends up in local landfills.

Orlando FL is the world’s best known family tourist destination, but it is also home to one of America’s fastest growing technical communities, which includes aerospace, computer chip and finance companies. In addition,Orlando’s well educated tech workforce and the low cost of living in Florida compared to California’s Silicon Valley, is attracting a great number of new tech startups to the region which will likely make the e-waste and computer recycling problem more acute for Orlando’s city hall in the future.

Aaron Enos, CEO of veteran owned and operated Sensible Recycling of Jacksonville FL notes “Public awareness of the dangers of electronic waste is pretty low. The sleek exteriors of smartphones, laptops and computer systems makes it hard to envision them as dangerous, but underneath that outer shell there are materials like lead, cadmium, lithium and a host of other toxins that will eventually leak into ground water.”

The most often used alternative to landfill is the incineration of these devices, but that only leads to toxic compounds like dioxins being released into the air. The fact of life firms and city halls are beginning to come to terms with is these materials have to be handled in a way that neutralizes the danger to the public and doesn’t simply swap ground water pollution for air pollution in the waste handling process.

Fortunately there is a wealth of recyclable materials in all electronic devices, and especially in equipment such as computers, disk drives and cell phones where there is a large number of chips on each printed circuit board. Recycling of copper and aluminum from e-waste is fairly obvious, common place and easy to do, but surprisingly, there is also more gold and silver per pound of compacted electronic waste than in the alluvial deposits of most commercial gold and silver mines. That simple fact is helping to create a market for ultra low cost recycling options for businesses with aging IT infrastructures.

Enos adds “There is a solid enough business model in e-waste that it’s possible for our company to offer a completely free, zero dollar service to any size of business. Devices are picked up for free then processed safely and securely, all free of charge. Witnessed and certified destruction services like hard drive shredding are also provided free of charge because there is enough money in the residual materials of a typical disk drive, computer or cell phone.”

Visit the company website using the link at the top of this article and schedule a free pickup of obsolete computers, cell phones and IT infrastructure products and begin a zero cost relationship that will have great benefit for the people of Orlando and the local environment.

Release ID: 460312