Melody Pourmoradi, Founder of GiRLiFE Launches New Program For Moms Of Daughters

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Melody Pourmoradi, Founder of GiRLiFE Launches New Program: Empowered Girl Moms Coaching aimed to give moms and caregivers the tools needed to raise empowered, confident girls.

Melody Pourmoradi, founder of GiRLiFE, a girl empowerment program, is on a mission to #RedefineNine. Research shows that a girl’s self-esteem peaks at age nine and falls from there. From friendships, to body issues, the majority of today’s girls will feel good about themselves up to age nine and then confidence starts to decline.

Pourmoradi has recently launched a new coaching program aimed at the mothers and caretakers of young girls to give them the tools to help them #RedefineNine and to empower the girls in their lives. “As a mom to twin girls, I’ve seen first hand how impactful it is to give girls the tools and space to feel empowered. When we empower girls and build their self-esteem, they grow into women who change the world,” she says.

Melody is the author of the children’s book “XOXO From A Girl Who Gets It: Life Notes For The Young Girl Within” teaching girls how to live a peaceful and happy life. In her newest book, “Empowered Women Empower Girls: A Guide To Modeling Courage, Confidence + Self-Love For Our Next Generation,” she teaches women that the clearest path to raising empowered girls is by first looking in the mirror and doing the inner work necessary to nourish themselves first and foremost.

As her community grew, Pourmoradi recognized the need to create a roadmap for mothers and caregivers to access tools that will allow them to parent in an empowering way. Raising a daughter can be challenging, and with today’s landscape, Pourmoradi believes that this generation of moms and caregivers can directly affect the next generation of women. Her new program includes group coaching, resources, guided activities, audio sessions and a community of other moms and caregivers to girls.

Pourmoradi’s mission is to raise the self-esteem and confidence of girls well beyond the age of nine.

To learn more about the Empowered Girl Mom Coaching program, please visit:

Release ID: 89059021