Make and Save Money With Refermate’s Online Referral Platform During Lockdown

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Refermate is an online platform that allows customers to refer a variety of their best-loved brands, all whilst making and saving money through word of mouth marketing and the subsequent receipt of commissions.

Los Angeles, CA – Refermate’s referral platform makes it simple for individuals to promote brand content. The company hope that during this time of isolation and lockdown due to the COVID-19 virus, customers will make use of extended online features. All necessary tools for sharing, promoting and saving money are provided and setting up is a straightforward process. The company’s aim is to help shoppers maximise earnings and savings through offering referrals via the Refermate online platform.

Refermate works with a vast range of stores, numbering above 12,000. From fashion, beauty, and health, to homeware, technology, books, and more, there’s a wide variety of brands available. Shoppers who refer these brands get paid 80% commission for each referral.

With an image tagging feature, access to easily convertible products, and user friendly systems that enable easy sharing, Refermate have worked to establish a solid customer base. Customers may save on purchases with up to 80% cash back and coupon choices should they offer referrals. Shoppers are also able to save on products in store and Refermate will send a notification when new deals or coupons emerge.

In addition, the company enable customers to curate their products by organizing collections online and, as of 2019, also began offering a yearly scholarship of $1,000 to one select student.

All money is processed through PayPal, an easy online system which allows customers to withdraw earnings at any time. It is free to set up an account and there are no surprise fees included at any stage. Refermate reps are available to help customers with queries about finances or any other related topic. The team also consists of staff who monitor successful brands and influencers and begin to build connections with them on behalf of Refermate customers.

Refermate works through creating demand for different brands and by allowing customers to earn and save online. Anyone curious to know more can head over to the company website to set up an account. If help is required, then the company ask all customers to get in touch via phone or email.

Release ID: 88952305