Local Business Directories Serve an Important Role in Trying Times

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Local businesses are in need of customers and consumers need updated and detailed information to decide which shops and restaurants to visit. Local business directories address the needs of both in these trying times.

Gone are the days when you could just get in the car and drive until you found a restaurant you wanted to eat at or a local shop you want to spend time in. These days, it’s important to know exactly where you’re going and whether or not the business is open.

We talked to a spokesman from FindUsLocal.com, a local business directory that specializes in helping consumers find local shops and eateries at the press of a button. “We understand that people need faster response times and more accurate information these days,” he says. “and that’s why we’ve revamped our site to provide an upgraded experience for them.”

He says that the local directory is busier than ever as people are trying to simplify their experience when shopping locally. “They can log onto the site and find out if the business is open, and even get directions to it so they can get in and out of it faster,” he says. The business owners can update their listings to let potential customers know their mask requirements and other important information.

Many consumers are doing all they can to support local businesses after the lockdowns. Many small businesses have gone out of business, and those that haven’t are in dire need of customers. “We’re not doing all we can for only consumers,” says the spokesman, “but we’re actively playing a part in driving business to local shops and restaurants that have been hit hard over the past 18 months.” It’s estimated that a whopping 50% of small businesses have closed their doors for good in some of the hardest-hit areas.

FindUsLocal.com is a local business directory that uses GEO location technology to make each visitor’s experience unique. It strives to be the best free business directory available by consistently advertising, improving the site, and working with small business owners to provide free advertising.

Release ID: 89051944