-- Life Wellness Healthcare has launched the award-winning AirPhysio breathing apparatus. The device is a high-quality Australian product that uses oscillating positive expiratory pressure (OPEP) to loosen the mucus blocking air passages. It’s often recommended by healthcare professionals as a preventative measure for pulmonary edema and other severe lung conditions associated with COPD.
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The recently launched product is a compact breathing device designed for the daily usage of people suffering from hypersecretory conditions. It is also a drug-free alternative to mucus clearance medications used for the treatment and prevention of COPD, asthma, atelectasis, bronchiectasis, emphysema, and cystic fibrosis.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a group of hypersecretory conditions that cause airflow blockage and breathing difficulties. When its symptoms are left untreated, they can cause multiple complications, including respiratory infections, heart disease, lung cancer, high blood pressure, and depression. The excess fluid in the lungs can also lead to acute pulmonary edema, which is a critical condition that can be fatal.
AirPhysio naturally clears air passages from mucus using OPEP technology, preventing the accumulation of lung fluids. By providing resistance during exhalation, the device can strengthen the lungs and increase lung capacity. It also prevents lung infections and damage by regularly expelling mucus from the lungs.
The device is used by smokers and people prone to recurrent lung infections as a form of chest physiotherapy. It is also recommended for patients after surgery to prevent pulmonary complications like atelectasis.
AirPhysio comes in three different varieties customized for the usage of children and athletes. External disposable filters are also available through Life Wellness Healthcare’s website.
About Life Wellness Healthcare
Life Wellness Healthcare is an Australian respiratory products provider. The company is dedicated to providing high-quality medical devices to people suffering from chronic lung conditions.
A satisfied customer said: “AirPhysio is a very effective breathing device. It has helped me overcome many lung challenges for years. The device supports the lung’s natural clearance process, making it a healthy alternative to excessive medication. However, consistency is the key to achieving fast results.”
Interested parties can find more details about AirPhysio by visiting https://lifewellnesshealthcare.com/products/airphysio-device-search
Release ID: 89060979