Leading Aviation Insurance Broker Breaks Down Off-Airport Landing Coverage

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Landing Off-airport is a way of life for many pilots and aircraft owners. Ensuring that your aviation insurance policy will cover you, is a very important piece of the puzzle.

Corona, CA Release: October 6th, 2020.

As the private aviation industry witnesses a season of growth, leading aviation broker BWI Aviation Insurance encourages pilots to understand their options when landing off airport.

For Immediate Release

Private Aviation has witnessed a recent season of growth due in part to the economics of private flight becoming more affordable and health concerns in the wake of COVID-19 have caused passengers to shun large airports. As the new demand for travel is sending pilots to new and far off destinations, concerned pilots are striving to ensure their aviation insurance covers off airport landings.

Leading aviation insurance broker BWI Aviation Insurance highlighted the problem in a detailed post on Off-Airport Landings and Aviation Insurance. They have been working diligently to put pilots at ease by helping them understand where they are covered and where they are not. BWI owner Matt White said, “Off-airport landings have always been a part of aviation insurance coverage, if for no other reason than the need for unexpected emergency landings on roads, water, or even golf course fairways.” However, he went on to clarify that for many pilots, off-airport landings are simply a way of life.

“If pilots are unsure whether their coverage hosts specific exclusions around off airport landings, they should reach out to their broker immediately for clarification” said White. BWI offers a unique coverage program for the popular Cessna 180/185 which explicitly states that there are no exclusions for off airport landings. Moreover, the coverage area is broad and includes Alaska, which is most often separate in many policies. “A pilot with this coverage has nothing to worry about when it comes to off airport landings,” said White, “but unfortunately, not all coverage is so explicit with the wording.”

Pilots who are inexperienced in off airport landings should not attempt such a feat until they are confident that they have practiced the skills necessary to land safely and without injury to persons or the aircraft. “The margin for error is remarkably small and I don’t know of too many insurance policies that will cover continued recklessness for long” added White. BWI’s best advice after over 40-years in the aviation insurance industry is to train regularly for off airport landings and call your broker if you have any questions about the coverage.

About BWI Aviation Insurance

BWI has been at the forefront of the aviation insurance industry since 1977. Family and veteran-owned, BWI sources aviation insurance solutions for every range of aircraft from gliders, fixed wing, jet aircraft, drones and more. Headquartered in Corona, CA, BWI locates coverage for pilots nationwide along with a satellite office based in Anchorage, AK.

Contact Info:

Name: Matt White

Website: www.bwifly.com

Email: Matt.White@bwifly.com

Release ID: 88979890