Leader of “Support Local – Shop Local” initiative giving away 10 premium spots

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New Hampshire Business Guide is celebrating the launch of their Premium Listing Product in the New Hampshire area by giveaway 10 premium listings to local New Hampshire businesses. Further information can be found at https://newhampshirebusinessguide.com/.

In a slightly different approach to launching its Premium Listing Product, New Hampshire Business Guide, a business directory supporting support local – shop local initiatives in New Hampshire has decided it will giveaway 10 premium listings to local New Hampshire businesses, and this is expected to take place in the first week of February..

Where most businesses tend to just give a discount on a service, New Hampshire Business Guide has decided to be a little more giving with it’s Premium Listing Product launch.

Debbie James, Director of Client Services at New Hampshire Business Guide, says: “New Hampshire Business Guide wanted to give back with a premium listing giveaway in support of the support local -shop local initiative as NHBG believes the local business community is the true backbone of the Granite State economy. It’s local businesses who keep New Hampshire residents working and providing for their families and this giveaway is a small token of appreciation for the hard work the local businesses do.

New Hampshire Business Guide has always made a point of standing out when compared to other business directories supporting support local – shop local initiatives in the New Hampshire area. This launch celebration is just one of the many ways it does so.

This is a great chance for New Hampshire residents to get to know businesses in their local community they may not have even been aware existed and support a mission founded to embrace the “Shop Local” concept. More than just a list of businesses, it is a call to action for businesses, residents, organizations, and tourists to support the local New Hampshire economy and community. When people shop at a local independently owned business: 68% of every dollar gets reinvested in the community. Local chains, 43% reinvested. Help celebrate New Hampshire communities and culture by shopping at a local business.

New Hampshire Business Guide has been serving the New Hampshire area since 2020. To date, it has served 1,000’s members and has become recognized as one of the most popular local business directories in New Hampshire

Debbie James also said: “While New Hampshire Business Guide may not be the only directory with this kind of offering, local residents are choosing New Hampshire Business Guide because of the trust which comes along with knowing only trusted & vetted companies are allowed in the listings as NHBG only lists companies with great reputations for customer service and providing top-notch products & services.”

When asked about the Premium Listing Product, Debbie James said: “New Hampshire Business Guide believes it’s going to be a hit because it provides a way for visitors to discover new businesses right in their own back yard and engage with them for business versus the big chain store or online seller. Local businesses are in dire need of maximum exposure to compete with the big brands and New Hampshire Business Guide helps to bridge that gap.”.

Further information about New Hampshire Business Guide can be discovered at https://newhampshirebusinessguide.com/.

Release ID: 89060566