Lead Generation Google Rankings Expert Company Launches Video Marketing Web Tool

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The Video Business Directory has launched a new video marketing technology designed to attract more qualified leads and increase sales. The technology allows businesses to utilize interactive web agents to boost engagement and increase revenue.

Marketing consultant Linda Whimple has incorporated a new technology that uses video and an interactive web agent to give website visitors a convenient way to interact with business owners. The technology helps increase conversions and profits, and is available at a fraction of the cost of similar programs.

More information can be found at: https://thevbd.com/apl

Many business owners often worry about the time, expertise and financial commitment involved with building and maintaining their online presence. The Video Business Directory eliminates those concerns with an expert team that takes care of all the hard work. The company develops and implements strategies that help businesses get the exposure they need, attract more clients, and make more sales.

The new technology is the latest step in its commitment to help businesses maximize results in the online space, quickly increasing call-ins and appointments, and boosting sales.

“Many businesses are missing out on customers without realizing it, and The Video Business Directory can help close that gap,” says Linda, the company’s COO. “This new technology is ideal for anyone who is ready for a change to their marketing strategy, but doesn’t know where to start. It can help any business engage with its audience in new ways, drive more traffic, and increase sales of products and services.”

Working with The Video Business Directory, companies can rest safe in the knowledge that the expert team does all the work. It develops and runs strategies to help clients get the exposure they need, getting more clients, and making more sales.

The Video Business Directory does the work for its clients with their approval. This means the team will create header graphics, video business cards, post reviews and much more, all geared towards getting more leads, increasing rankings to boost engagement and revenue.

“I’ve never seen anything more powerful than video for generating revenue while providing amazing value to clients,” Linda says. “Businesses can harness this power to increase leads and decrease advertising costs while seeing a massive increase in the amount of leads produced by their website.”

Full details can be found on the URL above.

Release ID: 322244