Laura Marie Janke Mugshot Washington Township Coaching Award Announced

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Laura Marie Janke has won a coaching award in Washington Township. She is known for her diverse skillset, quality coaching and teaching, and love for animals.

Laura Marie Janke, the renowned teacher, coach, and animal lover, has won a coaching award for her work coaching girls soccer. She has been involved in girls’ soccer for over 11 years, and prides herself on high quality work ethic, helping her players to be the best they can me.

More information can be found at:

Laura Marie Janke lives in Washington Township, where she works as the Physical Education Department Head, as well as Assistant Athletic Director. She has taught a wide range of subjects, ranging from kickboxing to strength and conditioning and more.

As a native of Los Angeles, Laura has been involved in girls’ soccer for over a decade and has played and captained for Cal State Fullerton. Since then, she became a collegiate coach, where she has now won an award for her work ethic, commitment, and quality skills.

Laura Marie Janke enjoys teaching the fundamentals of soccer to America’s young women, and seeing them grow into better players as they master each new skill set.

In a recent interview, she highlighted that she hopes to continue to teach soccer fundamentals, while keeping a good attitude towards sportsmanship. She also hopes to win a championship for Geffen Academy.

Laura Marie Janke is known for being a good role model, and this is one element of her personality and coaching skillset that the award emphasizes.

She is also a highly effective teacher, as is showcased by the wide range of subjects and fields that she has covered over the years. Being a good teacher is a huge part of being a successful coach, and this is something that the award underscores too.

Ultimately, the award is a testament to Laura’s personality, her commitment, and her dedication to the athletes and students she coaches.

Full details can be found on the URL above.

Release ID: 462758