Launching the book AïM for Life Mastery, How to achieve peak performance

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Launching “AiM for Life Mastery”, available on Amazon. Targeting leaders in business or sports, and individuals aiming to reach beyond their wildest dreams. Information at the website:

Peak Performance coach with many years experience working with business executives, athletes, and individuals who seek to reach beyond expectations, Raymond Perras is launching His book, “AiM for Life Mastery”. The book is set to go live April 2021. The book is available in hard copy or Kindle on Amazon and is expected to become a big hit with leaders in all domains of business and sports or individuals aiming to reach beyond expectations world.

More information on the book can be found here:

This is the first book of three along with contributions to five other books book Perras has authored. The book aims to Provide a blueprint for success by applying effort-less effectiveness that leads to maximizing results while reducing effort and stress. There’s also particular excitement about this launch. Already, numerous people have transformed their lives and achieved resounding success through the application of the Life Mastery Program. It’s time to broadcast the method to the world..

AiM for Life Mastery focuses on liberating the hidden power that resides in all of us.. Readers will likely find interest in Uniform, Consistent and Repeatable application of a process that guarantees a continuous improvement habit. Success becomes a habit. AiM for Life Mastery was originally published by AuthorHouse in 2012.

The author has an extensive background in coaching, leadership development, the study of the mind-body connection, and the power of vision to enable success. Through a life of personal and professional obstacles, the author has gained a deep understanding of the potential that lies in all of us. The book is a framework that helps the readers to find their way to maximum accomplishment.

When asked about why he wrote the book, Perras said: “Overcoming life obstacles personally then using my experience to help others taught me that we all have the capacity and capability to create the best possible life, for ourself, and for others around us. I was compelled to share that journey to help create a better world.”

The author hopes that the book will help people gain awareness of their inner power, and learn to internalize and integrate that awareness to create unconscious ability. With sustained practice, they will develop the habit that will ensure peak performance. This positive outlook from the author is certainly testament to his optimism considering some of the mishaps during its creation. Writing the book brought together many concepts into a powerful message. It is offered as essential to a world that is in dire need of awareness and belief that anything is possible once we take effective action..

In a recent interview, the author thanked the following people as key to his achievement. Larry Ring contributed by allowing the many tests of the process with athletes on his football team. Wally Kozak who was a mentor throughout shared his wisdom on impacting those we coach. Many business clients trusted him to help them achieve beyond expectations. Eternal gratitude was expressed to his kids France, Serge and Joelle for their dedicated application of the life mastery principles that helped them succeed in life, and make him proud every day. Lastly, to his partner Louise for always setting him straight when he drifted from the goal. For his part in the creation of the book, he said: “I have a debt of gratitude to Jim Clemmer, author and leadership expert, who unknowingly carved the path that I followed in becoming a leadership expert myself. His timely insights and corny jokes provided a degree of realism that helped me reduce my message to simpler and more understandable terms.”

Those interested in learning more about the book can visit here:

Release ID: 89004259