KMD Consultants reviews Business Success Workshop for First Time Business Owners

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We release our unbiased review of "Business Success Makeover Workshop" to help First Time Business Owners. More information can be found at

Business Consulting website: KMD Business Consultants, LLC recently published their in depth review of the “Business Success Makeover Workshop” with a focus on helping first time business owners. The aim of KMD Business Consultants, LLC is to provide the most relevant and useful information to First Time Business Owners, so the new entrepreneur may proceed, with confidence, in pursuing Entrepreneurial endeavors.

While it may seem unusual to some, KMD Business Consultants, LLC chooses to focus on helping Dr. Johnson share his advanced approaches for business thinking using modeling, structured analytic techniques, creative presentations, and metacognition for launching and maintaining businesses, organizations, and teams’ solution for success. The skill set Dr. Johnson designed and teaches, studies the uncertainties of what contributes to entrepreneurs’ success on a second business launch attempt and why this issue continues to be importance to U.S. society. more specifically, because He explores and discusses the hard lessons learned by business owners who lacked strategies and models to succeed in a first business to capture the experiences that promoted success in their second launch.

While most other review sites simply list the positive selling points, such as learning from the experiences and failures of others would help mitigate the risk of repeating those failures, the best selling point of this seminar is learning how to conserve the two main business resources an entrepreneur, usually, has the least amount of…time and capital, which is great because saving Capital resources allows a businessperson to expand services they are currently providing or allows the addition of services that, previously, could not be budgeted for. Every person who has their own business, always needs more time. Time is the one resource you can never get back. Once it is gone, it is gone….

And some sites may go so far as to cover the more critical aspects as well. For example, there is never a drawback to doing a case study of the decision making process of others, especially if those lessons can lead to the prevention of repeating the errors committed during that process., which lessens the opportunity for business success, because Mistakes cost both time and money.

KMD Business Consultants, LLC endeavors to go one step further in its mission to provide more value to the first time business owner with Dr. Johnson’s in depth discussions of the uncertainties of what contributes to entrepreneurs’ success on a second business launch attempt and why this issue continues to be importance to U.S. society. . One example of such specific advice is found below.

Dr. Johnson delves into how to: a) succeed bearing risk, b) understand uncertainty of change, c) bear the intrinsic value of the opportunity cost of making good and providing services, and d) understand the basic economic concepts of supply and demand to deal with changing situations.

KMD Business Consultants, LLC has been in business since 2008. The website was conceived in June 2017. It was founded by Dr. Millicent Davis. The idea for the site came about when Dr. Davis decided she wanted to live in a world where she is in control of her destiny. As a successful entrepreneur, she also teaches business courses at the College and University level. She has received many honors, to include the Facilitator of the Year Award (Robins Nest), Next Level Leadership Award (LAM Church), Superintendent’s Award of Excellence, and Award for Service and Leadership (Gloucester Township School District). She also has been featured in several magazines and wrote articles, The Law of Reciprocity, Financial Considerations When Buying Your First Home and Alternatives to Bank Financing (Stay Focused Magazine) and Green Product Purchasing Course Material (Rutgers University). .

Ever since, KMD Business Consultants, LLC has made a point to provide the most value and best information to the business owner, the latest being Dr. Johnson’s study of the uncertainties of what contributes to entrepreneurs’ success on a second business launch attempt. So far, this site encompasses about thirteen pages of useful content and testimonials.

KMD Business Consultants, LLC’s complete review of Business Success Makeover Workshop can be found at

Release ID: 464688