Jasmine Cole Creates Clarity with Introspection and Taking a Mental Inventory

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Jasmine Cole’s introspective coaching program is unique in that it takes a deep dive into one’s thought process and creates a thorough overview of desires and aspirations that are addressed when reviewing the needs of that individual.

According to Stress in America TM 2020: A National Mental Health Crisis, conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of the American Psychological Association, most Americans are not getting the support they need. Most adults (61%) say they could have used more emotional support than they received over the prior 12 months, with more than 8 in 10 Gen Z adults (82%) saying the same.

This study conducted continues to state that, “loneliness and uncertainly about the future are major stressors for adolescents and young adults, who are striving to find their places in the world, both socially, and in terms of education and work. The pandemic and its economic consequences are upending youths’ social lives and their visions for their futures.” The Harris Poll. “Stress in America 2020 Survey Signals a Growing National Mental Health Crisis.” American Psychological Association, 20 Oct. 2020, https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2020/10/stress-mental-health-crisis.

10 Things Americans Do to Take Mental Inventory of Your Life

Take the time to be alone with yourself and figure out what you want. It’s important to know what you’re searching for to have a foundation to move forward in life; Create a mantra for your life. If someone were to ask you what you believe in that can be applied to every aspect of your life, it’s important to know how you would respond; Create a mission statement in which you can abide by that will help you reach your goals, dedicate time for your self-care; You must be healthy in all areas of your life to operate at optimal levels, realize your current life conditions are based on your decisions; Make sure to take ownership of your actions and place your responsibilities on yourself and not others; Inquire with others who have the success you aspire to have; Conduct research that will allow you to increase your insight on a specific subject; Learn to see ideas from various vantage points. Engage in conversations to listen; Take time out of the day to be silent, still, and observe. See the beauty now; Mistakes are made by everyone. No one is perfect. It’s important not to ruminate but instead learn from the past and figure how to improve; Remember to say thank you for every kind gesture given to you. Compliment others, smiles are infectious; and always think of ways you can give back to others. Even if it’s just offering your time to someone or a special cause.

About Jasmine Cole

Jasmine Cole is on a mission to have Americans think critically with the use of introspection! We have now entered an era where we can take time away from our usually busy lives and take a mental inventory of what matters. She has successfully graduated college debt-free with a baccalaureate in psychology. She managed to take on such a challenging feat, but this was no easy task by any means. She had to manage working multiple jobs, maintain her acumen to receive scholarships and grants, and partake in extra-curricular activities to make sure she was well-rounded during her educational career. However, Jasmine was able to set her intention in knowing what she stands for which is peace of mind and autonomy. At the time, she did not have a plan on how she was going to graduate college debt-free, however, she was adamant about making sure she accomplished her goal. Most of her peers thought she was crazy for thinking that she could achieve her objective of not needing to take out a student loan to fund her education. She proved them wrong! Others became fascinated by her being able to overcome this daunting task. Meanwhile, many of her cohorts are inundated by the burden of having to pay back their student loans post-graduation. She maintained her drive and managed to not get derailed from her financial educational pursuits. She believes in what she stands for passionately and understood the alternative would be detrimental if she did not follow through on being intentional about her mission to graduate debt-free. She strives to encourage others to protect their peace by preserving their sanity through introspection.

Jasmine Cole is an introspective coach, entrepreneur, speaker, and author. Graduating from CUNY Hunter College debt-free, Jasmine makes it her mission to advocate the importance of financial independence, autonomy, and psychological well-being. Jasmine has served many roles while on her journey. She has worked in the industries of academia as an executive board treasurer, moderating educational and entertaining events for the student body. Serving as assistants to an assemblywoman and former director of fiscal operations of New York University, she has organized and facilitated programs recognizing influential women in the community and teaching women the importance of wealth building through investing.

Jasmine herself has immersed herself in immense self-reflection and understands the importance of knowing what you stand for, which serves as the foundation for providing a sense of direction in life. In her book, “Mindset Manuscript: 10 Powerful Lessons to Design Your Life’s Journey,” individuals will gain insights through an introspective lens that will enhance both their personal and professional lives. Serving as a blueprint to obtaining a proactive mindset, the lessons explained in this book will empower the reader in making a positive mentality shift on life’s journey. While gaining this newfound knowledge the reader will understand the importance of how seeking their truth will develop clarity for themselves and others.

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