Infographic About Breathing Techniques Reveals Tips for Singers

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Aspiring singers looking for the latest information about breathing techniques for singing can stop by a website, called How to Improve Singing with Katarina, for an infographic with valuable tips on the subject.

A singing website, called How to Improve Singing with Katarina, has released a free infographic to help new and aspiring singers wishing to improve their vocal skills cut through the clutter and get to the most important aspects of breathing techniques for singing that are essential for developing healthy vocal skills. The infographic and tips can be found on the company’s website,

Some of the most valuable tips include:

The prerequisites for healthy and effective breathing techniques during singing are a strong and healthy body, healthy lungs free of bad habits, such as smoking, and proper posture for singing. 

The inhalation and exhalation phases of the breathing cycle are described in detail together with tips on how to develop fluid and effortless breathing motion free of any tension. Body parts participating in breathing during singing are outlined.

A more advanced vocal technique commonly referred to as “suspending the breath” is explained. Basic concepts for this vocal technique are described with some tips on how to achieve it. Suspending the breath can be a difficult concept to grasp for many new singers. The goal of the infographic is to offer basic explanations to aid understanding of this concept.

When asked about the reasons behind the infographic, Katarina, the creator of the website How to Improve Singing with Katarina said,

“Every singer knows how important breathing techniques are for singing but only a few singers actually devote their time to developing controlled breath support. The infographic is a visual reminder and a guide to better vocal skills through developing effective breathing techniques.”

The infographic with tips on breathing techniques for singing is available for free. New and aspiring singers wishing to improve their vocal skills are encouraged to share these tips with others who find the information useful. The infographic is a visual summarizing information from a previous blog post published at

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