Independent Podcast Network Launches Online Podcasting Masterclass Course

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Independent Podcast Network has launched a podcast masterclass, How to Launch Your Profitable Podcast in 30 Days, for interested podcasters who wish to enhance their podcasting skills.

Independent Podcast Network, an online podcasting service provider, has launched a podcast masterclass, How to Launch Your Profitable Podcast in 30 Days, for interested podcasters who wish to enhance their podcasting skills.

Independent Podcast Network’s CEO, Sunny Gault, announced the podcast training launch on the network’s YouTube channel, entailing the expected topic coverage by the online podcast training. Sunny Gault will relinquish her over 15-year podcasting experience to the course attenders, gifting them with her tried and proved vitals in running a podcast show.

More information is available at:

Podcasts are voice recordings end users get to listen to in an almost predetermined duration; a podcast is released periodically as a continuing series, building on the previous episodes to tell a story or share information or educate. Podcasts create new channels through which learnable experiences, knowledge, and instructive teaching covering particular topics can get affected.

According to Gault, the podcast couching will encompass over 35 online videos giving insightful information on attaining successful podcasting. In addition to the online videos, the online podcasting series will feature downloadable handouts, audio files, and guides to continue offering offline podcast coaching. The podcast masterclass videos will cover five key areas, starting with the podcast idea conceptualization up to its actualization. These five areas, which Gault has dubbed the “5 P’s of Podcasting,” are Prep, Plan, Produce, Promote, and Profit.

The “Prep” section outlines the various activities needed to undertake in the conceptualization stage of the idea. Sunny will take you through discovering new podcasts for benchmark purposes, identifying or creating your target audience, building your team amongst other initial undertakings key to podcast launching.

The “Plan” section covers the planning process for the activities by selecting the podcast format, hosting platform, theme music, equipment to use, and so forth. The “Produce” section of the podcast masterclass will cover basic recording and editing tips, local vs. remote recording, and so forth.

The “Promote” section will enlighten on marketing and advertisement techniques mandatory for podcast launching and success. Finally, the “Profit” section will cover mastering podcasts business-wise. This section will feature lessons on marketing, and developing membership programs for the podcast audience.

To learn more about Independent Podcast Network and their online podcast masterclass, visit their website

Release ID: 89047429