Inbox Insight Release B2B Report On Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

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Inbox Insight have released a new B2B research report on artificial intelligence in digital marketing. Now available to download at

Inbox Insight has released a free report titled: “Full Disclosure; The B2B Content Intelligence Report“. This report aims to explore the state-of-play in the use of intent data and artificial intelligence in digital marketing and B2B demand generation. It also aims to highlight key B2B marketing best practices in the use of content AI to uncover real-time content consumption patterns to improve campaign performance.

Surrounded by the right technologies, artificial intelligence has the potential to extend the boundaries of knowledge around how B2B decision makers interact with and consume content. B2B marketers can consequently make vast improvements to every aspect of performance contributors and therefore deliver more impactful, relevant and meaningful engagements which in turn will fast-track ROI.

The report has been made openly available to B2B demand generation professionals, B2B content marketers and anyone else with an interest in how artificial intelligence is being used in content marketing to better identify target audiences and deliver stand out content experiences.

The report was also written with a specific focus on gathering insight into common challenges preventing B2B marketers from translating data into actionable intelligence, since Rebecca Tebbutt, author of the report, believes “With increasingly complex buying decisions, it’s essential to combine the best content insights with the right supporting technologies to better understand who you are targeting and what information they need to solve their problems.”

When asked about why they released the report at this time, Rebecca Tebbutt, Marketing Manager at Inbox Insight said: “We understand the importance of using all available opportunities and technologies to gather accurate intelligence over how and when B2B decision makers are at their most receptive. Therefore we’ve created this report to identify valuable research-based best practices around how to gather Content Intelligence and strategically apply it to deliver better results.”

Interested parties can find the report ready to download, for free, here.

Inbox Insight was founded in 2010 and is a B2B demand generation specialist within the B2B digital marketing industry. It is best known for enabling brands across the globe to reach the right decision makers within their target accounts and engage them through a series of tailored multi-channel strategies.

Its unique position within its industry gives it the authority to produce such a report as all research was conducted among senior B2B marketing professionals within the Insights for Professionals (IFP) community, providing unique first party insights.

IFP is a centralized knowledge platform, bringing together professionals from a wide range of sectors and disciplines, all with the common goals of knowledge acceleration and professional development.

If you are a senior digital marketing professional looking for an instant snapshot into how your top performing peers are combining AI capabilities with intent data to move the dial on performance, then this report could be a valuable asset to you.

More information on Inbox Insight Ltd can be found at

The Report “Full Disclosure; The B2B Content Intelligence Report” can be downloaded now on the Inbox Insight website.

Release ID: 89016884