How Start Ups Can Take Advantage Of Their Greatest Asset.

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LO:LA has published its latest article. Common Pitfalls for Start-Ups. View the article at

LO:LA has published a new article entitled A common pitfall for a Start Up, which sheds light on the most important aspects of why getting your brand right is crucial for any Start Up, Small Businesses or Emerging Brand. Companies that are serious about galvanizing their teams around a single big idea and wish to avoid loss of productivity and confusion in the future can view the full article at

The article includes several interesting pieces of information, one in particular is ‘A clear and strong brand connects with customers and is what generates referrals. People like to talk about the brands they like, feel passionate about. People can’t tell someone anything about a brand they don’t remember.’ This should be of particular interest to Small Businesses and Emerging Brands because not taking steps to create a strong brand can be costly in the long run.

One of the most important piece of information the article tries to convey and communicate is ‘Creating a strong and memorable brand doesn’t need to be expensive or difficult’. The best example of this is perhaps found in the following extract:

‘LO:LA believes the way you present your business and the promises you want to keep is critical. It creates an environment where integrity, trust and affinity become table stakes within the company and with target customers. When times get tough (and they will), having a compelling brand with a clear and common vision will be a company’s greatest asset!’

In discussing the article’s creation, Nick Platt, CEO and Founder at LO:LA said:

“All to often creating a robust brand is seen as a nice to have, unfortunately this perspective come to haunt many CEO’s farther down the line..”

Regular readers of LO:LA will notice the article takes a familiar tone, which has been described as ‘relevant, empathetic and solution focussed.’.

To find an effective solution for creating a disruptive brand for a start-up contact

LO:LA welcomes comments and questions from readers, in relation to the article, LO:LA intent on further understanding other peoples perspectives and how LO:LA might be able to be of service to small and emerging brands looking to create a robust and meaningful brand. LO:LA intend to create interesting stories that help brands thrive.

Anyone who has a specific question about a past, present, or future article can contact LO:LA via their website at

The complete article is available to view in full at

Release ID: 89026231