Koedi Nealy, coined “The Penny Girl,” is a bright and shiny staple at Cypress Christian School. With her hard work and determination, she has started a non-profit organization, Graced Ministry, that not only feeds thousands of homeless men and women in the Houston area, but also partners with another non-profit to help rehabilitate and get them off the streets and back into society. Graced Ministry also sends underprivileged children to camps to get experiences that others may take for granted, as well as assists in multiple outreach programs and projects.
For more information visit: https://www.cypresschristian.org/
When she was seven-years-old, Koedi had a vision: She noticed how pennies were often discarded and overlook and related that to how many homeless people are viewed. She started the Texas-based non-profit organization at the age of thirteen with a determination to use change to change the future of those less fortunate. Today, Graced Ministry raises money and awareness for the homeless in our community. The group’s philanthropic ministry also provides scholarships for students to attend summer church camps.
Koedi Nealy established her non-profit with her own Board of Directors and later started her Student Ambassador program. She recently opened her very own office in the Making A Difference (M.A.D.) office suites. She, along with ten other Cypress Christian School students, known as “Graced Ministry Ambassadors,” as well as a few of their parents and board members, were invited to a live taping of Great Day Houston where she had an opportunity to speak on Graced Ministry’s inspiring work. While speaking about this amazing organization, Squire Rushnell, author of God Winks Series proclaimed his support for Graced Ministry. We look forward to a God Winks and Graced Ministry collaboration in the near future to share her story.
Koedi is always looking for new Ambassadors! Ambassadors share in fellowship together, prepare for and execute events, collect items, sort, and create Graced Packs, count pennies, and serve in outreach opportunities for the homeless. “Discover your ‘why’, find your ‘how’, and put it to use for the good of others,” stated Koedi. Contact Graced Ministry at https://www.gracedministry.org if you’d like to be considered for a position as an Ambassador, or if you or your organization would like to book Koedi for a public speaking event. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of an important step in this young girl’s vision as she grows her ministry. Find out how she is inspiring others to change lives in our community and across the U.S., one penny at a time.
Cypress Christian School (CCS) evokes and promotes the evangelistic mindset that focuses on the well-being of others and provides the opportunity to impact the Houston community for Christ by living out their academic excellence and biblical values that have been ‘taught and caught’ through their time at CCS. To challenge and keep students thinking critically, Cypress Christian School offers classes that enhance fine arts, theory, and philanthropy that honors God and serves others.
CCS believes that values drive a person’s actions, and by instilling these Christian values early, they help create a positive future for students. Contact Cypress Christian School at www.gracedministry.org if you’d like more information on their mission statement, admissions, or carefully selected curriculum that academically challenges our entire student body to uphold the biblical Christian standards we seek to develop within them. Scriptural truths are taught in daily Bible classes and are woven into the fabric of each academic discipline in a very practical, life-changing way.
Cypress Christian School
Phone: (281) 469-8829
Fax: 281.469.6040
Contact: Kristi Nealy
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Release ID: 88938675