-- Founded by Swiss Independent Researcher Dr. Fulvio Balmelli and CEO Frank Arlia, Harvest Harmonics is changing the world of farming for the better, by providing a technology that encapsulates what the future of farming will be.
It has been communicated that to make people healthier you need to start from the source, which is setting up an infrastructure for the farmers to make people healthier through the food they grow.
Within 10 years or less, Harvest Harmonics aims to be working with the majority of the agricultural industry’s irrigating farmers. Ideally, the company is expecting to be able to service 65-85% of the market worldwide and once that’s accomplished, expecting the whole planet to be changed.
People are asking “Changed in what way?” As CEO Frank Arlia breaks it down, the main goals for Harvest Harmonics and this Kyminasi technology are to address the following points as their primary concerns:
⁃Improving the overall health of the public
⁃Helping make food costs stable
⁃Helping countries that import their food to begin developing systems to be self sustainable
⁃Improving the problems of food security, a major problem for most small countries
These improvements are what have been bringing farmers all around the world a greater return on investment, and helping them improve their environments and the health of their consumers and employees. Harvest Harmonics International
There are many countries, especially islands that rely on tourism and import a large amount of their food, that suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic.
At some point historically they didn’t import anything, however, Harvest Harmonics wants to help them get back to their roots and become more self-sustained.
Overall, Harvest Harmonics’ purpose is to service the public, and make healthier and better quality food more readily available. In turn, the company is helping farmers save water and reduce the effects of climate change over time.
Release ID: 89025635