Getting Women Seen, Heard & Hired – Intro30 Launches Social Impact Initiative

Share this news: and 2025 x 2025 have announced a formal launch particular for, their latest non-profit working on empowering women to get hired post Covid and 2025 x 2025 will be working together on their newest launch for in 2021. These two companies have a wealth of combined experience in video resumes, recruitment, and remote working & job seeking.

Interested parties can view full partnership details on the following websites: and

With the launch of 2020 x 2025, and 2025 x 2025 will be sharing multiple responsibilities including:

Connecting women & their video resumes with jobs – 2025 x 2025 will use technology to empower women to be Heard, Seen & Hired.

Businesses will use to see 2020 x 2025 candidates, – Hirers can then contact the candidates and interview them directly.

2025 x 2025 will keep a list and will monitor all candidates who have found work via this system and track towards the goal of 2025 jobs filled by women by 2025.

2020 x 2025 has been created specifically for job seekers, hiring managers and women; with multiple features:

Free service advertising jobs and for candidates to showcase themselves – Highlighting Women Candidates – the biggest victim of Covid-related job losses.

Software allowing candidates to record 30-second video resumes and share them with QR codes.

Recruitment software allowing businesses to view and contact candidates directly to set up interviews.

This service and software is free for everyone until August – Connecting women and jobs – for free – with a goal of connecting 2025 women with 2025 jobs by 2025

Ellie Dailey, Founder of had this to say about the new launch partnership for 2020 x 2025:

“We have been so saddened to see how women have suffered from job losses during the past year. A lot of the gains we’ve made towards salary equality and representation have been lost. So we set up this initiative in order to contribute and make a small difference.

Our goal is to connect 2025 women with 2025 jobs by 2025.

We’re excited by the positivity with which this initiative has been received and we’ve seen some great candidates and opportunities come aboard.”

Those interested in learning more about the partnership can do so here: Those interested in donating or sponsoring this initiative can do so here:

Release ID: 89005716