Geektastic Revolutionise Coding Tests for Interviews with their Platform

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Geektastic speak out about how their platform revolutionises coding challenges for applicants of development based job roles.

Although coding tests for interviews have been around for some time now, they are fundamentally flawed in more ways than one. One of the primary problems found with coding tests is the requirement for developers to be on-site during tests.

This need has been eradicated by Geektastic with their new take-home coding tests. They have a number of coding tests which can be taken-home by the developer on their platform. Primarily these types of tests are used in the very early stages of the hiring process.

Businesses can take advantage of Geektastic’s team of peer-reviewers which assess the candidates’ submissions however if they don’t want to do that, they can review the code themselves using the platform’s various code review tools.

Geektastic knows that it is practically impossible to condense the real-life nature of a job down into one simple coding challenge, but there’s no point in asking developers to complete something that is purely memory-based. Memory-based tests don’t challenge the competence of a developer and the real-life job isn’t about solving little puzzles.

Users of Geektastics can take advantage of their expert team of reviewers in order to assess candidates’ submissions. If this isn’t required, interviewers can take advantage of their code review tools to assess users’ code themselves.

If interviewers take advantage of GeekTastic’s review team, they will provide a detailed analysis of all candidates code within a 24 hour period.

Geektastic work alongside employers and recruiters alike to help measure a candidate’s coding abilities. The candidates are evaluated by their on-demand team of super skilled developers, who set the gold standard for software engineering.

Their technical coding challenges don’t just evaluate technical ability, they also evaluate specific software skill sets. This allows employers to filter their list of candidates in a quick and timely manner, without the need to evaluate CVs and review technical tests.

To find out more about coding tests for interviews and Geektastics amazing new platform, click the following link:

Release ID: 89025281