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An online local business marketing expert shares one marketing tactic that SEO experts don't want people to know.

Ask any local marketing expert, and they’ll tell you how much has changed in the past few years. That has some small business wondering how to get new customers in the door. But one local marketing expert says the key to new business is more obvious than many people understand.

“Far too many local business owners can’t get new customers in the door even though it’s the easiest time in history to get them in the door,” says a spokesman from, an online local business directory that automatically matches every visitor with a customized home page showing area events, news, businesses, and social media postings. “The reason so many business owners don’t understand how to reach those consumers is because their experts aren’t telling them about it.”

He says that the SEO experts don’t talk about local business listings because it’s something that small business owners can do themselves. “They would lose a lot of business if local shop owners knew they could do this important SEO work themselves for free.”

He’s talking about the ease of creating free local business listings. A local business listing is a digital Yellow Page listing that is located on a local business directory. Studies show that almost 100 percent of shoppers use these local listings to find local businesses, so it’s important that every local shop, service business, and restaurant be found on them.

“But why would an SEO expert tell their clients about them?” the expert asks? “If they did that, their clients would simply create their own local business listing and instantly reap new business.”

“But the truth is,” he says. Creating a local business directory listing is one of the smartest local marketing moves a small business owner can make.”

He says shop owners should go to, search for their business and then claim it as the owner. “All that’s left is to fill in the details about your business. After that, shoppers will find your business and visit it.”

About FindUsLocal: FindUsLocal uses geolocation technology in visitor’s browsers to construct a home page focused on their city, town or community. Right there on the front page, they’ll find local weather, sports results for their favorite teams, and announcements of the top musical acts and events coming to their city. Smart business owners list their businesses on the site to be seen by those who are specifically looking for businesses in their local area.

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