Expert Says Free Local Business Listings Help Holiday Shoppers Find Your Store

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An expert in local business marketing says this year many small shop owners will miss out on holiday business if they can't be found online. He offers a free method of doing that.

Holiday shoppers have begun their yearly stampede into local stores all across the nation, and one expert says that unless small business owners have a free local business listing, they may miss out on all that holiday cash.

“Today’s consumers don’t behave the way people did just a decade ago,” says a spokesman from, an online local business directory that allows small business owners to create free business listings. “And that means local shop owners need to think differently when it comes to getting their business in front of holiday shoppers.”

He’s talking about the widespread usage of local business directories to find local businesses. One study shows that almost 100 percent of people looking for a local business use these directories in their search.

“It’s one of the easiest things you can do to add new customers, but too many small business owners ignore this powerful free marketing tool.”

He says that local shop owners, restaurant owners, and service business owners simply need to go to, claim their business as the owner, and fill in the necessary details. And the service is 100 percent free to use.

“Holiday shoppers can’t find your business is it’s not listed in one of the online directories they are using,” he says. “But the good news is that it only takes about 10 minutes to get your business listed.”

About FindUsLocal: FindUsLocal uses geolocation technology in visitor’s browsers to construct a home page focused on their city, town or community. Right there on the front page, they’ll find local weather, sports results for their favorite teams, and announcements of the top musical acts and events coming to their city. Smart business owners list their businesses on the site to be seen by those who are specifically looking for businesses in their local area.

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