Executive Leadership/Vision Coaching – Business Success Strategy Sessions Launch

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Henry Chidgey of Osage International Consulting Group has announced new, one-on-one, 45-minute coaching sessions to help business leaders clarify their personal visions, create strategies to achieve those visions, and overcome obstacles that might be standing in their way.

The upgraded sessions are designed to teach leaders how to budget more discretionary time for themselves, how to bring in more earnings for their company, and how to achieve better overall results in business and in life.

More information is available at https://henrychidgey.com

The announcement aims to inspire and motivate business leaders with an original process, created by Mr. Chidgey himself, that eliminates psychological struggle and gives clients abiding confidence and unprecedented results.

Many business leaders encounter a common problem. They find the number of people on their team has been reduced, yet they are expected to produce the same or better results. It can be easy for them to get frustrated in the face of such challenges, or to begin to wonder if they’re good enough for their jobs.

Mr. Chidgey helps clients – business owners, CEOs, and executives – to see these challenges as opportunities to create new strategies to rebuild their teams so that they meet and exceed leadership expectations.

During the session, Mr. Chidgey and the client examine difficulties they are facing and look for missed opportunities buried in the seemingly unfavorable circumstances. They also look for hidden problems that could be keeping the client from getting the desired results. Lastly, they construct an action plan and begin implementing it. All communications are treated as highly confidential.

Henry Chidgey has been a student and practitioner of personal development for over 50 years. He has coached thousands of business managers to become great leaders of energetic, competent teams. He began working as a business consultant to support CEOs over 20 years ago, when he founded Osage International. Chidgey’s corporate clients include GE Transportation Systems, Moss Bros. of London, and American Materials Company.

A satisfied client said: “Henry is a unique, talented class act whom I highly recommend to anyone considering an executive coach or a life coach. He is a pleasant oasis in the desert of leadership. He has truly added value to and made a big impact on my life. You will be better by having worked with him.”

Interested parties can find more information at https://henrychidgey.com

Release ID: 89060534