Emotional Scientist Dr. Tracy Thomas Reveals Secret to Gain More Time & Money

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Dr. Tracy Thomas explains how we spend time & energy struggling with emotions which move us away from what we want to achieve & impacts our financial possibilities, & the secret to shift this.

Dr. Tracy Thomas, PhD, Wall St. Journal best-selling author of The Commitments: A Step-by-Step Guide to Personal Transformation, a renowned psychologist, and interventionist, explains why so many of us feel strapped for time, and how that impacts our financial possibilities.

More information is available at: https://www.drtracyinc.com/

Very often, people – especially those who are emotionally sensitive – spend a lot of time and energy dealing with difficult emotions, which can manifest as anxiety, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and addiction issues. “What’s unfortunate is that for people who have emotional struggles and avoid them, they are missing out on this massive ROI of turning these emotions into millions of dollars – of turning them into their greatest level of success and elevating their life,” says Dr. Thomas.

Some emotionally sensitive people may try to distract themselves from unpleasant emotions with unhealthy vices like eating or drinking too much. Others may experience difficulties with relationships because their emotions are weighing them down. All of these take away time and energy from what a person really wants to achieve.

But even for those who try to address their difficult emotions, challenges can arise. “For some people who are in struggle, they are in types of support that continue to condition them into that struggle further and reinforce it, which also costs them millions of dollars,” says Thomas. Even empathy can reinforce it more: talking about depression can keep a person stuck in depressive patterns, for example.

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Fortunately, through her flagship company Dr. Tracy Inc., Thomas has created an emotional training system to address these issues and help clients get out of the mindset that their time and other resources are scarce. The coaches help clients transform difficult emotions into powerful intentions that are in line with their deepest desires – living a life of true luxury, not just being “okay,” or minimizing their sensitivity.

“When you are sensitive and hyper-aware of so many things, that’s taking your attention,” Thomas explains. “But we are transforming that process, which gains you years of time and millions in resources over their lifetime.

Dr. Tracy Thomas, affectionately known as, “Dr. T,” is a Wall St. Journal, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble best-selling author and the world’s first Emotional Scientist, who specializes in helping highly-driven people harness their emotional strength and live an elevated life.

Designed specifically for high-level achievers, she’s created a groundbreaking method that goes beyond “coping techniques” and surface-level strategies. It’s the path to rapid emotional evolution and growth. You can learn more about Dr. T at drtracyinc.com, where you can book a free consultation to assess your intentional capacity compared to what you’d like it to be, allowing you to get a highly valuable assessment of what it takes for you to become your most intentional self, putting distracting and impacting reactivity in the rear view mirror, and making focus, creativity, productivity and prosperity a way of existing for life.

Much more on how to set intentions, live in purpose, focus on what really matters, and create millions, can be found in Dr. Tracy’s book, The Commitments, which is an Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Wall St. Journal bestseller. https://www.drtracyinc.com/the-commitments

Visit https://go.oncehub.com/DrT_consultation to book a consultation call with the Dr. Tracy Inc. team.

Release ID: 89061696