Elodie’s Launches New Community Blog, Looks to Involve Readers

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Elodie has unveiled a new online magazine publication with the launch of a new website. The website will feature content provided by members of the local community

Elodie, a leading online magazine publication, has recently launched a new website venture that aims to involve readers more than ever before.

Perth, Australia – -November 6, 2014

Elodie, an online magazine publication operating from Perth, Australia, has announced the launch of its new website. The companies most recent venture will not only include content created by its editorial team, but will also feature selected pieces written by users.

“Just loved the idea of creating a blog that goes beyond the average. Instead of simply being a website on which users can read the guides and opinion pieces, decided that involving users would be the best way to create true community in this space, explains Sarah Mulder, who originally came up with Elodies concept. 

Despite being relatively new, the blog has already garnered a good amount of interest in the industry, particularly amongst DIY experts. With Elodie having a proven track record in this field, local businesses are keen to showcase their expertise to the websites visitors.

While many companies have attempted to launch community-driven websites, most have been based around forums or social networks. Elodie is looking to stand out not only by its emphasis on high-end content and rich media, but also by being a user-driven content publisher.

The company initially plans to use its editorial team to approve contributed articles, but hopes that the community will take a more hands-on role as the website grows. Ultimately, the aim is to create an online portal that is essentially self-sufficient, allowing for faster organic growth.

While weve so far mainly worked with users and businesses that already have a relationship with the brand, were hoping to cast the net a little wider in the coming months, said Miss Mulder. Now that the beta phase is behind us, were looking to market the site to a wider audience.

For more information click here http://www.elodieverypetit.com/

Release ID: 67748