Divine K9 Announces Bully Sticks for Dogs Now Available On Amazon.com and Amazon.ca

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Bully sticks for dogs are a wonderful treat and are also one of the most popular. Divine K9 has been offering tasty and healthy bully sticks for months on Amazon.com. Effective immediately Divine K9 will also offer them in Canada, on Amazon.ca.

Divine K9, a true expert in the field of dog treats, is pleased to announce that those critically acclaimed bully sticks for dogs pet treats, currently in stock on Amazon.com, are now also available at Amazon.ca. Life long pet lovers, the owners of Divine K9 have dedicated much time to finding and providing the best possible dog treats in the world to personal pets, and now for others too. All this work to achieve dog treat perfection and to ensure other dogs will enjoy these too has been nothing short of inspirational. Today, this long time research has culminated in some of the best bully sticks that customers can find for sale on Amazon.com, and now also on Amazon.ca as well.

Beef bully sticks for dogs are a wonderful dog treat, 100% natural beef and made of bull puzzles. Bully sticks, also called bull pizzle, pizzle sticks, beef sticks or steer stix, encourage healthy gums and teeth when your dogs chew these treats. Presently, Divine K9 offers 6 inch bully sticks in both a 5 or 10 pack, packaged in a handy resealable bag. Anyone can easily store these dog treats and keep the product fresh until the next time treats are dispensed to any dog. Divine K9 does suggest that customers store these bully sticks in a dry place at room temperature when not in use.

Judging from the various reviews Divine K9 has been receiving, it seems the company has indeed been able to find what every dog owner has been looking for in a healthy dog treat.

“I received these in the mail today and gave one to my dog right away. She loves them! She is actually very particular about her dog treats and won’t touch some of the softer, popular name brand treats. I’m glad that she’s enjoying these beef bully sticks“, says one happy customer. “My dog is rather large (about the size of a labrador retriever) and the first stick lasted her about 25 minutes. They are perfect for her teeth and gums too!”

Everyone knows that dogs really love to chew. The simple act of chewing can make dogs feel comfortable and safe and calm too. Plus, chewing on safe dog treats, such as a bully stick, is a fun and natural way for a dog to clean it’s teeth and help keep teeth and gums strong and also maintain and promote proper oral hygiene.

Many sizes and thicknesses of bully treats exist – thin, regular, medium, thick and jumbo. Divine K9 has found that, overall, more customers prefer the regular size, since the thin are too skinny and the other sizes are often too thick for most dogs. So regular is the size Divine K9 bully stick treats come in at this time. Dogs of all sizes, from the smallest to the largest, love Divine K9 bully sticks, as well as regular to medium intensity chewers. Power chewers or an extra large dog may go through these treats faster than most pets do – but that does not mean that these will be enjoyed any less!

“Received my order today and I should have ordered a bigger supply.”, says another happy customer. “My 2 dogs are in heaven but they’ll blow through my supply in days. I ration them cause they would just chew them all day. I just love the way the take them from my hand and go off to find their corner of the house and chew away. Its all natural so you can’t beat that.”

According to Divine K9, these bully sticks are free of chemicals, preservatives or additives of any kind. According to dogs these treats are simply delicious! Best of all, they are now available not only in Amazon.com, but also for the Canadian market in Amazon.ca. Hailed as some of the best bully sticks on the market, they are likely to fly off the shelves yet again, only now it will be in Canada in addition to the USA.

Release ID: 83919