Controversial Review of Eat Stop Eat on Could Upset Dieters

Share this news: releases a controversial review of Eat Stop Eat, which may cause upset amongst dieters. More information and more than 100 words detailed review itself can be found at

Popular diet an weight loss information website ‘’ has recently released a potentially controversial review of ‘Eat Stop Eat’, a top rated intermittent fasting guide written by nutrition expert Brad Pilion, bringing some cause for concern, as some information on the review may upset people who wants to lose weight.

The 1000 words review examines the high points and low points of the weight loss guide, in the pursuit of providing personal experiment for weight loss enthusiasts. In typical manner though, a certain element of the review is set to spark discontent amongst dieters.

Below is a portion of the review, which neatly exemplifies the controversial element:

In fact, with Eat Stop Eat dieters are burning fat by doing nothing. No cooking, no eating, and not worrying about what to eat and when. The profit oriented, multi billion dollar food industry is continuously spreading false information that ‘skipping a meal is bad for health’

A spokesperson for, Rhino Nelson, says “Of course, we never set out to intentionally upset anybody. The aim of our review is first and foremost to provide honest insight on intermittent fasting for losing weight and numerous other health benefits. It is critical, however, that we stay dedicated to our true voice.

Although our review of Eat Stop Eat might unsettle people who wants to lose weight, it is our duty to educate the befits of fasting to our readers. We believe it’s more important to suggest intermittent fasting as a simplest and proven form of weight loss methods, than to please everyone by suggesting latest fad diets, which is notoriously difficult to follow.”

Although there has been no backlash as of yet, the possibility exists as the review breaks the common belief of ‘skipping breakfast is bad’. has been a provider of thorough reviews in the diet market for 1 year. It has stated the future aims for the website are raising awareness of intermittent fasting for easy and effective weight loss. Therefor hopes any controversy will pass quickly and re-emphasizes no offense is or was intended.’s complete write up and review of Eat Stop Eat can be found at

Release ID: 128695