Conidia Speak Out About Aviation Fuel Testing Importance

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Conidia bioscience talk about the importance of aviation fuel testing, especially within commercial and business aircraft.

Aviation fuel testing is important as plane fuel can become contaminated through several possible manners. This can occur both in the supply chain but also during the actual operation of aircraft within commercial, business and general industries.

Aviation Fuel contamination is caused by tiny organisms (such as bacteria, yeast and fungi), which thrive in warm and humid areas full of food (hydrocarbons present within fuel and diesel).

If allowed to grow without being properly checked and treated, they can cause fuel filter blockages and gauging problems. As well as this, they also have the ability to induce corrosion within aircraft’s tank structures.

Aviation fuel testing for microbial contamination has become standard now for all users of aviation jet fuel. Typically, it’s used within a comprehensive system to manage the fuel systems from beginning to end, this is known as fuel husbandry.

Conidia Bioscience developed these aviation fuel testing kits; however depending on the method of testing, it may be required to use both a level of laboratory expertise and special aviation fuel testing equipment.

From their website, they refer to the 3 types of methods, the first one being CFU Methods where they mentioned: “CFU methods such as IP385 laboratory methods or a thixotropic gel method, the latter of which can be used on-site, require an incubator. The test will also require an incubation period—times vary, but it always takes at least 24 hours, during which the incubator must stay at a fixed temperature.”.

then the second is ATP Testing, in which Conidia had to say: “Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) testing requires a special reading unit called a luminometer that gives an indirect indication of contamination. Again, this process generally requires a higher level of training and experience to replicate successfully and is not likely to be completed on-site.”.

and finally, Immunoassay antibody testing, which they said this about: “Immunoassay antibody testing is the modern method for finding contamination in aviation jet fuel, conducted using something called an immunoassay flow device. Unlike ATP or CFU methods, it does not require any special equipment or any extensive training. These tests are particularly well suited to on-site use. It gives results in 10-15 minutes.”.

Readers can find out more about Conidia Bioscience and the other types of fuel testing they have through their website:

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