ClearAwayAcne Helps 100s of Women Suffering from Skin Problems

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ClearAwayAcne is an online resource guide for men and women struggling with acne, with reviews of products, buyers guides, and tips for healthy prevention and treatment.

Austin, TX – Many acne treatment on the market promise to work miracles, but not all products are right for all skin types. The blog ClearAwayAcne works to provide clarity about acne relief, covering topics from causes to treatment options. Although their online acne treatment guide is for everyone, they have specifically helped hundreds of women fight against acne.

Sheikh, the proud founder and owner of ClearAwayAcne, had a mission in mind when launching the blog. He himself suffered from acne and understands the struggles that come along with it. He also is a science student and recognizes the importance of consulting solid research when it comes to treating skin conditions. By combining his personal experiences with acne and his desire to find the most accurate information available, he created a website that helps people face their own skin problems.

Many women in particular have found great advice through ClearAwayAcne’s article about body acne. While most blog posts only cover facial remedies, the article at, goes over discusses causes of body acne specific to the female body (bikini line breakouts, spandex/tight clothing, etc.).

Sheikh recognizes the stigma behind body acne, even though it is just as common as regular facial acne. By pointing out that many women suffer from body acne, readers feel less alone in their struggles. They realize that their bodies are going through normal processes and that, with proper skin care, they can overcome and prevent.

Women consulting ClearAwayAcne have also found treatment success thanks to their scientific approach. Another popular article discusses how protein can correlate with acne. Sheikh presents research from Dr. Mona Gohara that proves women who consume whey are more likely to develop acne. Because he recognizes that everyone’s body is different, Sheikh advises his readers to refrain from protein shakes and see the effect it has on their skin. ClearAwayAcne uses the most recent scientific research to recommend helpful, healthy, and proven tips to fight unideal skin conditions.

The comprehensive information provided by ClearAwayAcne is continuing to help women all over the world. The articles cover everything concerning skin care, and give readers a thorough understanding of their condition. They also review products and home remedies that help people find the best treatment for them. Perhaps most importantly, they let readers know they are not the only one out there dealing with their skin.

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