CEO createsTV show and Gets Recognized as a Purpose Driven, Woman of Excellence.

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From CEO to cover model. This award winning CEO of Jackets for Jobs is gracing the covers of magazines and giving women inspiration. She opens up and talks about her book and her TV show, The Alison Vaughn Show, Ministry for Busy moms.

Jackets for Jobs’ CEO, Alison Vaughn is now a “Cover girl”. She didn’t sit idle during the pandemic. Vaughn did what she does best, Network. She networked from afar. She made phone calls, attended zoom meetings and created lots of emails. She understands the notion of staying relevant.

In her book, Ms Goal Digger, Success is Sexy! Vaughn has an entire chapter dedicated to networking.

As a business woman, networking is vital and she was not going to let the pandemic stop her from networking. When she was unable to meet in person, she used technology to help her communicate.

According to Wikipedia definition, Networking is a socioeconomic business activity by which businesspeople and entrepreneurs meet to form business relationships and to recognize, create, or act upon business opportunities, share information and seek potential partners for ventures

This CEO of an award winning nonprofit based in Detroit created friendships and caught the attention of several publishers. In May 2021 she graced the cover of Purpose Women Magazine.

Purpose Driven Women Magazine is a bi-monthly digital faith based magazine designed to help women gain clarity about their purpose and evolve into their best self. Simply put, the magazine empowers women to embrace a purpose-driven life.

This “Dreamer Into Doer” award winner, bestowed to her by Martha Stewart in which women who turn their dreams into reality didn’t stop with being on the cover of one magazine during the pandemic but she also graced the cover of the June 2021 WOE Magazine.

Women Own Excellence magazine is the go-to guide designed to create a culture and lifestyle of excellence for women. The magazines focus is inspiration, style, self-empowerment and all round empowerment. They are committed to delivering insightful and thought-provoking articles about women sharing failures, celebrating successes, and embracing moments of growth across the globe.

Both magazines have the same mission with Alison’s TV show, The Alison Vaughn Show, Ministry for Busy Moms, .which is to empower and uplift women. Vaughn’s show airs on the Daily Gospel Network KBTV, ROKU, Apple TV and episode can be found on her website:

Vaughn is no stranger to being highlighted in a magazine. She was once the centerfold for the iconic coffee table Jet Magazine. Every prominent African American figure has been featured in Ebony/Jet Magazine and only twelve women per year were selected to be a Jet centerfold. This Goldman Sachs Scholar and Michigan State Graduate has also been featured in Entrepreneur and Fortune Magazine.

Beyond the cover, of Purpose Driven Women and WOE Magazine, Alison opens up and talks about her TV show, and why she started it and she discusses tips for helping busy moms live a more fulfilling life. One of the main topics she discusses is how to be a virtuous woman.

Vaughn states that in her 21 years of operating Jackets for Jobs she has come across many women who need inspiration, motivation and direction. Thus the TV show was birthed.

As a former flight attendant, Vaughn seems to be living by the motto: “The skies the limit”. She truly believes in setting goals and making things happen. Vaughn a lover of sports states, you can’t sit on the sidelines, you must get in the game. She states that you must set goals, network with the right people to make the goals a reality and help others achieve their goals as well. Her inspirational blogs can be found on her website and on the Success Network.

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