Celer Network & ERC-20 Token (CELR) News Website Official Launch

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Celrbug releases Three previously unpublished facts about its upcoming Celrbug.com website launch. Further information can be found at https://celrbug.com/.

Ahead of the launch of its new new website that focuses on Celer Network and the CELR token, Celrbug is making public Three as yet unreleased facts about Celrbug.com website set to officially go live today, which fans and consumers within the crypto tokens space will find interesting.

The Three items include nuggets such as how:

The idea for creating Celrbug.com website came about after the owner was interested in a particular Altcoin, and the company behind it, and had trouble finding information. He googled and was barely finding any information. He was lucky enough to meet a fellow that had the same problem and was willing to share his solution.

The new website that focuses on Celer Network and the CELR token almost didn’t see the light of day, when the pandemic lockdowns hit for the third time. The problem was overcome by the owner staying focused and knowing that the website would be helpful to others with similar interests in the same token; and perhaps others.

Celrbug got it’s start when Founder Michael Chang-Fong noticed a growing need for information on the CELR token and Celer Network. With zero (0) prior experience in the crypto tokens world, Michael Chang-Fong decided to go ahead and start the site in late 2021.

Michael Chang-Fong is quoted saying: “We like to do things to connect with our readers. Things like providing interesting and useful information on Celer Network, the crypto industry, as it pertains to Ethereum, as a whole, and releasing these little factoids ahead of the Celrbug.com website launch are what make a difference.”

Celrbug believes that Celer Network and their cBridge product will has a significant impact on gas fees and transaction speed in the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) space and celrbug.com is the site to go to learn more.

Celrbug.com website is set to launch today. To view the site visit https://celrbug.com

Release ID: 89062938