Carbon Footprint Credits Pongamia Tree Planting Investment Update Announced

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A new update has been announced by Corkees, the platform for compensating for carbon footprint through tree planting. Over 90% of the first batch has sold, with only a few trees left for anyone wanting to get ahead of the game.

Corkees, a unique venture that aims to help people compensate for their carbon footprint, has announced a new update about its service. Only a few trees are left to sell in the first batch, which is already fully planted. This gives a head start of about 12 months in the program.

More information can be found at:

The Corkees Foundation offers participants in their unique scheme access to carbon compensating, fuel producing trees. The trees available to buy through Corkees are known for their ability to absorb carbon, while the nuts produced by the trees contain crude oil.

This is a renewable fuel, and a direct green alternative to fossil fuels. This means that the Corkees scheme can help to counteract environmental impact in two ways.

The combination of replacing fossil fuels and absorbing carbon means that the Green Fuel Tree Foundation offered by Corkees is about as environmentally friendly as a campaign can get.

What’s more, the profits from crude oil sales are sent to the customer, meaning that they are investing in a greener, healthier planet, and getting paid for it.

Just 10 trees planted compensates for 6,000 kilometers by car. Using the simple carbon footprint calculator, interested parties can see just how much they ought to compensate for, and work towards making themselves climate neutral.

Corkees sells the Pongamia tree, which has a proven track record for rooting fast, resisting drought and disease, and being resistant to germs. They are highly yielding and will be harvested early, with the first harvest taking place after three to four years.

The nuts produce HVO, known as green diesel, which is rapidly gaining popularity and is a cleaner product than fossil diesel. It can also be blended without limits.

Getting involved in the first batch of trees on offer through Corkees is a great way to get ahead of the game. Compensating starts at just €13.50 per tree, which lasts for 20 years.

Full details can be found on the URL above.

Release ID: 459529