November 27, 2019 (Toronto, ON) – Toronto-based start-up SpaceiShare is helping homeowners pay their mortgage faster. Launched in 2016, the online community connects those who have space with those who need space and is seeing an increase in the supply for homeowners looking for ways to earn extra income with their home
“With housing costs at an all-time high, more and more of our Hosts are putting up their empty space in order to help make ends meet,” said Sarah Selhi, CEO, SpaceiShare.com. “We’re even noticing more condo owners of storage lockers and downtown parking being posted. When we chat with our Hosts, the number one reason they’re renting space is to bring in extra money to the home, especially when it’s making a passive income instead of housing Airbnb guests.” SpaceiShare allows users to rent out driveways, garages, sheds, storage lockers, parking spaces or lots and even large, industrial buildings or office spaces when needed.
In addition, users who are already posting their spaces on Craigslist and Kijiji are finding that using a platform dedicated to space sharing is safer and more secure. One Danforth-based SpaceiShare Host agrees: “I used to use Craigslist whenever I had my parking space available,” cited Charlotte Hancock. “I had a fair share of renters who either didn’t pay on time or left me hanging with last-minute cancellations. Now with SpaceiShare, I get payments every month, guaranteed, plus I can give the Renter a rating when done.”
It’s estimated that over 50% of working Canadians are within $200 of being unable to pay their bills and debt repayments ever month. With SpaceiShare, users are receiving an average of $190/month, just for renting a space that wasn’t being used anyway.
Interested to know what your space is worth? Check out the SpaceiShare calculator at http://calculator.spaceishare.com/yourspace.php.
About SpaceiShare
SpaceiShare is a marketplace for storage and parking. We connect people who need space to people who have space — all in a safe, trusted and reliable online portal. Whether you’re looking for a place to park your car, RV, boat or food truck, or are in need of storage for your baby gear, furniture or paper documents, we can find a place in your community that can save you more than 50% of traditional storage costs.
Release ID: 88938189