Buying, Fixing & Selling Companies/No Upfront Cost Business Strategy Book Launch

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An innovative new book 'Go Do Deals' by Jeremy Harbour has been written to overhaul peoples’ business growth mindset.

Harbour felt that what’s being taught at business schools has become too formulaic to be of any practical value and can be the cause of not crossing the finish line. He released the book to help aspiring entrepreneurs gain the necessary skills and knowledge.

Information can be found at:

To drive home the teachings and really lock in the message, the book is accompanied by a valuable and refreshingly new (and complimentary) 21-day business growth plan.

This on-demand course is available for everyone wanting to rise above the ‘noise’, and acts as a roadmap for entrepreneurs wanting to overhaul their understanding of the business sales process.

This is a skill that every man and woman in the business world needs to comprehend – irrespective of their specific profession.

Each and every day of the business growth course focuses on a different aspect, with actionable insights that entrepreneurs, experienced or otherwise can apply immediately.

These start with strategies on how to buy, fix, and sell a company without using any upfront cash. This is important. The final lessons are like the last pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, with key insider strategies for maximizing revenue.

By learning from the years of wisdom condensed into the book and the course, entrepreneurs will gain the knowledge and insight they need to make consistent business sales and find the right buyers rather than tire-kickers.

Modules include key insights on structuring deals, fixing broken businesses, finding motivated sellers, legal strategies and finding reliable avenues for generating more profit.

Most important – entrepreneurs will learn how to make businesses more attractive to sell and ensure they reach a good price.

The blueprint teachings in the book have provided many readers with a new “North Star” to follow.

It’s suitable for entrepreneurs at different levels of experience, whether they’ve bought and sold companies before, or they’re just starting out.

At the core of the strategy is a valuable process termed ‘Agglomeration’. Readers can use this strategy to leverage deals for themselves, while avoiding bad advice and reducing risk in every area of their business.

Jeremy Harbour believes that nobody should be put off by the fact that they haven’t closed a deal yet. The book focuses on how more people can become empowered to achieve their goals and engineer their life for effective and sustained success.

A spokesperson states: “Go Do Deals gives readers a valuable approach to source and buy companies without having capital or borrowing lots of money. It will also make sure you avoid the usual pitfalls, so you can find all the business buyers you’ll ever need.”

Interested parties can learn more at:

Release ID: 89059067