Business Networking Article Reveals Surprising Facts for Business Owners in London

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BNI London's latest article takes on misconceptions about Business Networking and sets the record straight with several useful facts for Business owners in London.

As part of their ongoing efforts to provide the best information on Business Networking Events, the BNI London team has published a new article entitled The Secret Guide To Networking Events In London which sheds light on the most important aspects of Business Networking for business owners in the capital. Interested individuals can view the full article at

One of the most surprising pieces of information in the article is the fact that most business owners claim to get most of their new business by referrals, but most have no structured way of getting those referrals. This article covers the top tips on how to get referrals from any business networking event and it looks critically at the three different types of business networks out there and compares each of the major networking groups in terms of their benefits and drawbacks. The article also provides a number of top tips to get the most out of each networking event. Preparation is key and this guide shows any business owner how they can improve their hit-rate.

In discussing the article’s creation, Clwyd Probert, curator of the BNI London site said,

“It’s the guide everyone should read before attending any networking event, so many people waste time and money attending these events and get very little in return. With just a small amount of preparation and effort an effective networking strategy can be used to drive any business forward”.

The article was inspired by the growing number of professional networking groups that are springing up across London. This can be both confusing and expensive and the lack of an independent guide for business owners is holding back many people from attending.

Business owners in London can find the most up-to-date version of the article at Customers who have specific questions past, present, or future articles contact BNI London via their website:

Release ID: 81917