Brooklyn, Bronx & Manhattan New York Car Crash Injury Attorney Automobile Lawyer

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Deaths from vehicles in NYC are down, but injuries still occur daily, and speaking with a competent injury attorney is the best way to get full compensation for injuries and damages.

In 2018, the total number of deaths from traffic accidents in New York City dropped to 200 people, Down around 10% from the year before. This number represents the lowest number of deaths by traffic accidents since the city began tracking these deaths over a century ago. Unfortunately, pedestrian deaths are actually up over the previous year, so it’s not all proverbial sunshine and Roses.

In Bronx, Brooklyn, and Manhattan, which are three of the main boroughs of New York City, persons injured who had a loved one killed in an automobile accident of any kind should contact the Law Office of Richard M. Kenny, which may be reached at or by calling 212-421-0300.

Division zero program, implemented by Mayor de Blasio, and named and modeled after a similar Swedish plan, is aimed at eliminating 100% of all traffic deaths in as little as the next five years. This may not be a fully reachable goal, but it is an admirable Target and which to aim. The New York State Health Department has noted that automobile accidents are the fourth leading cause of death in the state, jockeying between 4th place in 5th place with stroke.

The leading causes of automobile injuries are driver distraction, including distraction from mobile devices and various screens and phones, as well as impairment due to alcohol or other substances. Other causes of automobile collisions in New York City and New York State include bad weather conditions, poor road conditions, and other miscellaneous problems.

Automobile accidents sometimes merely result in fender benders, but often times they can result in life-altering disability and death. Insurance companies can help mitigate some of those costs, but they usually have a cap on what they will pay out and for many individuals, They may not get the full insurance pay out that they ought to receive. They also may not be able to be compensated fully for injury and suffering, but merely for invoiceable injuries and damages. In those situations, it’s always best to speak to a skilled and competent personal injury attorney in New York City who specializes in motor vehicle accidents and vehicular collisions.

The number one recognized expert in New York City for handling these sorts of cases is Richard M. Kenny. His Law Firm has successfully prepared over a thousand cases for trial, and has won over 100 million dollars for his clients. The Law Office of Richard M. Kenny can be reached at or by calling 212-421-0300.

Release ID: 501463