Brian Campbell Joins Palos Verdes City Officials In Urging School Reopening

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Brian Campbell Joins Rancho Palos Verdes City Officials In Urging Gavin Newsome To Reopen Schools-, which remains a hot topic during the Covid crisis. More info is at

Rancho Palos Verdes resident and current Palos Verdes Library Board Trustee Brian has joined the call for Gavin Newsome to authorize a measured reopening of local public schools.

In addition to his current elected position on library board of trustees,, Brian Campbell has had over a decade of public service prior to his election having served for two terms on the local city council and also as mayor of Rancho Palos Verdes.

Campbell’s stance has come in response to an appeal by current city officials of Rancho Palos Verdes to California Governor Gavin Newsom. This appeal came in the form of a letter to the California governor and Los Angeles County officials that requested that schools in the Palos Verdes Peninsula be permitted to reopen for in-person classes beginning this month.

Brian Campbell mirrors the concern of city officials who remain extremely alarmed about the negative effects of prolonged distance learning on younger children. “We need to expand safe, in-person learning opportunities for our TK-12 students with the start of this Spring Semester.” Campbell said.

The letter sent from current Rancho Palos Verdes officials acknowledged and respected the common goal not to overwhelm the healthcare system but also stated that RPV officials stand firmly by the opinion that distance learning does damage to the well-being of the collective community.”

Campbell also pointed out that the local area of the Palos Verdes Peninsula has consistently had lower Covid case rates than the rest of L.A. County. Campbell argues for a much more nuanced approach to Covid measures that takes into account the lower impact of the corona epidemic in the Palos Verdes region.

Campbell also noted that New York City has practiced this type of regional discretion throughout its five diverse boroughs as it reopened elementary schools with heightened health and safety measures.

The Palos Verdes Library District (PVLD) oversees the libraries of the communities of Rancho Palos Verdes, Palos Verdes Estates, Rolling Hills, and Rolling Hills Estates and is mostly financed by local property taxes.

“Our library system which is truly one the amazing community resources in the Palos Verdes Peninsula and surrounding areas. We are facing unprecedented operating conditions during this current pandemic and I will do my part to make sure we continue to fulfill our mission to serve the residents of our communities,” Campbell said.

Campbell also said he believes the Palos Verdes Peninsula Library Board has an obligation to lead in the ongoing conversation regarding public resources and state government responses to the Covid epidemic.

Campbell stated he believes that safeguarding public health in the face of the corona virus outbreak should remain a top priority but that public officials should also be careful to judge the evolving science that appears to show that there is little direct scientific evidence linking measured school reopening to increased rates of infection

Brian Campbell served as acting president of the PVLD board until the installment of the current board president and new Palos Verdes Peninsula Library trustees after the most recent elections late last year. Campbell resumed his normal trustee position when the new board was sworn in.’s complete article can be found at

Release ID: 88995168