Benson Simmonds, a leading spiritual life and business coach based in Los Angeles, launched a new two-step, two-session program to help clients lead a happier, stress-free life. With a focus on helping his clients fully enjoy the Holiday season, Benson’s services empower clients to foster a new attitude to love, happiness and productivity.
More information can be found at https://www.joyhealer.com.
Benson’s new life and business coaching services are based on the idea the one’s attitude to love is fundamental for their happiness and fulfillment. According to Benson, learning to become a “love generator” rather than a “love seeker” is crucial to leading a happier life.
“We all grow up thinking that in order to be happy you need to seek love from an outside source – your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, lovers, life partners – and this makes us anxious and needy and constantly seeking outside validation”, explains Benson.
The Los Angeles energy healer teaches his clients effective tools to generate love for themselves, their friends and their family. His new coaching services are thus designed to improve emotional resilience while also fostering better social relations.
Benson’s newly launched coaching services are available both at his studio in Los Angeles, or as live online sessions anywhere in the world. Clients can opt for Skype or phone coaching sessions, depending on their preferences.
As an experienced energy healer, Benson transmits his energy through his hands and body to empower his clients to feel love for themselves, become more confident, and develop high emotional resilience.
His healing and spiritual coaching sessions help clients relax, experience anxiety relief, and develop a deep sense of well-being.
Clients benefit from personalized lifestyle optimization programs designed to help them transform their life by developing new cognitive and emotional habits.
A satisfied client said: “Benson Simmonds’ amazing intuitive healing powers are nothing short of miraculous. He gave us much needed hope, guidance and support when our beloved grandfather suffered a devastating brain injury. I have no doubt that his daily energy healing sessions in the intensive care unit gave our grandfather the energy and strength to make it through the difficult times.”
With the latest update, Benson Simmonds continues to expand his high-quality energy healing and spiritual coaching services for clients in Los Angeles and internationally.
Interested parties can find more information by visiting the above-mentioned website.
Release ID: 88938223