Amazons Prime Day Record Put Fear in Local Business Owners

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Amazon just had it's biggest Prime Day ever, and one expert says it doesn't have to scare local retailers.

Amazon’s Prime Day ended last night at midnight, and it was the giant retailers largest one yet. Jeff Bezos, the retailers owner and CEO is quickly taking over the U.S. retail market, and many pundits are blasting him for ruining the retail environment. But others say he’s not responsible for the so called Retail Apocalypse—he’s just changing the way consumers shop.

“There is a lot of talk about how Amazon is ruining the market for local retailers, but studies show that if they only make a few changes in how they market themselves, they can still do a robust business,” says a spokesman from, a local business directory that uses GEO location technology to match the results visitors see with their immediate location. “Times have changed, and that requires changes to the way shop owners do business.”

He’s talking about listing local shops, restaurants, and service businesses on a local business directory. These directories allow consumers to find local businesses quickly and easily, and also give local businesses that all-important online presence.

“Studies have shown that people still want to shop at their local businesses, but many become frustrated trying to find them online. And because so many local shop owners don’t have the time or money to invest in a website, their business lags. But if they would only claim their local business listing on a site like ours, they would instantly be found online by consumers who are looking for a business like theirs. And best of all? We offer a free option.”

About FindUsLocal: FindUsLocal uses geolocation technology in visitor’s browsers to construct a home page focused on their city, town or community. Right there on the front page, they’ll find local weather, sports results for their favorite teams, and announcements of the top musical acts and events coming to their city. Smart business owners list their businesses on the site to be seen by those who are specifically looking for businesses in their local area.

Release ID: 216851