AirPhysio For Respiratory Conditions – Lung Cleaning OPEP Device Videos Launched

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Life Wellness Healthcare has relaunched its YouTube channel, providing over 30 educational new videos. Subscribers will now have access to special pricing and promotions.

Subscriber bonuses following the relaunch include holiday accommodation, hotel stay cards, and other items designed to improve breathing for customers. The company is committed to improving the lifestyle of those with respiratory issues.

For more information, please visit

The channel has been relaunched to provide guidance for those with respiratory issues across the US. By watching the content and learning more about the products available, customers can make a more informed decision about their health.

Studies show that around 25 million American residents have asthma, while an estimated 16 million are suffering from COPD. While many lung conditions can’t be fully cured, it’s possible to manage symptoms through specific treatments.

Some of the videos available through the Life Wellness Healthcare channel include the best device for cleaning the lungs, effective bronchitis treatments, and how to treat cystic fibrosis naturally.

Life Wellness Healthcare stocks a variety of products on its store to alleviate the issues that respiratory problems pose. The most popular is the AirPhysio OPEP device. This has won numerous awards for its drug-free symptom management.

Because it’s lightweight and quick to use, customers can carry it with them wherever they go. No batteries are required, and it never needs to be refilled.

To use the product, customers just have to take a deep breath, then exhale through the AirPhysio to begin the vibration process. This triggers the body’s natural mucus-clearing processes, lifting the substance to the top of the lungs, where it can be expelled more easily.

Life Wellness Healthcare has an experienced team that has first-hand experience with respiratory issues. They understand the challenges that people face on a daily basis, and strive to make their life easier.

The YouTube channel is a place where anyone can visit to learn more about lung healthcare, breathing difficulties, and more.

A spokesperson for the company states: “Do you live with chronic breathing problems requiring medication? Or do you need to increase your lung capacity for health and sport-related reasons? Our new wellness channel may be just what you’re looking for.”

Those wishing to find out more can visit

Release ID: 89057954