Active Shooter Survival Training – Emergency Preparedness Courses Launched

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Michael Julian launched the A.L.I.V.E. Active Shooter Survival Training Program. The course is available in several forms and educates individuals on optimal crisis-response strategies.

The new program condenses Michael Julian’s expertise in personal protection, security, surveillance, and behavioral threat assessment into a highly applicable course.

More information can be found at

With the “A.L.I.V.E.” Active Shooter Survival Training Program, individuals have the opportunity to increase their chances of survival significantly should they find themselves in an active shooting. Like earthquake and fire education, the course offers safety in preparedness.

Active shooter incidents are unfortunately becoming more commonplace in the United States. In 2021, 689 shooting events fit the Mass Shooting Tracker project criterion. Although some Americans have opted to prepare for the worst rather than live in fear, 95% of civilians have no active shooter survival training. Michael Julian’s course makes this training accessible and provides all the necessary information needed to be ready in an emergency.

“A.L.I.V.E.” stands for Assess, Leave, Impede, Violence, and Expose. This acronym is the cornerstone of the course, which breaks down each step and its corresponding actions.

Most people waste time figuring out what to do or freeze in fear in a violent emergency, making them an easy target. Julian’s course teaches people what they should do; trainees learn how to recognize the warning signs of a potential offender, common shooter motives, how to be in the right headspace, and what physical steps to take.

The training comes in online and in-person formats to accommodate trainee location and needs. Courses range from 20 minutes to 3 hours with varying levels of detail so that trainees can fit one into their busy schedules.

About Michael Julian

Michael Julian has been training citizens on how to survive active killers since 2013. He currently delivers the “A.L.I.V.E.” course and serves as president of National Business Investigations, Inc. and MPS Protection and Security. Julian also authored a book, “10 Minutes to Live,” that puts the “A.L.I.V.E.” principle into writing.

A successful trainee said: “Taking your training empowered me to make the undoubted decision to leave when I encountered a shooter. Had we stayed, we may have been shot or trampled.”

Interested parties can find more information at

Release ID: 89061672