Crazy Red Head Publishing is proud to share that they were awarded the Best Children’s Christmas Book 2017 by the Best of Los Angeles reviewers for their story A MouseKeeper Christmas.
It is a little known fact that all the toy making North Pole elves have at least one pet mouse. While the mice had been used as toy testers in the past they are now breaking more toys than providing any useful service. That has Santa worried as that compounds his toy production problems. For years now the Naughty lists have been shorter and shorter. A good trend really but that means more and more children are on the Nice lists. How will Santa and his eves make enough toys for all the good girls and boys?
Santa finds a solution which is offered by a brainiac six year old, Sara, whog notices that the toy factory production dramatically increases when the mice take a nap. She suggests the mice be sent on a vacation from Thanksgiving Eve until Christmas Eve and that saves Christmas. Find out how to play this interactive MouseKeeper game with your favorite Believers in the books. The books are available on Amazon in both ebook and paperback formats. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=a+MouseKeeper+Christmas
The book trailers can be viewed on YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VfA2ZApFlU
And here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxItisTwMJM
A brand new boxed gift set is available on the Crazy Red Head Publishing web site at www.crazyredheadpublishing.com This gift set includes your choice of early reader or advanced reader version of the book along with a plush mouse, magnetic badge, parachute, sleeping mitten and more. It is the perfect baby gift.
Remember, the game starts on Thanksgiving Eve so be sure to buy this book early so your little MouseKeepers can have the most days of fun with their mouse this coming holiday season.
We are confident that this book and activity will be added as part of your holiday traditions for years to come.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a Mouse night!
Release ID: 307691