48% of employees have considered quitting as “The Great Resignation” continues

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48% of employees admit they are considering leaving their current job. As we watch the Great Resignation unfold, forward thinking leaders strategize about what can be done to turn the tide and keep their best employees from becoming a statistic.

Drive through any town in any state in the U.S. and you’ll see them. The sign of the times now reads “Now Hiring” or “Help Wanted”. After a long, drawn-out shutdown, employees realized they prefer to work from home. Corporate leaders and business owners who believed teams would be happy to return to the office have been caught off guard and are having to adapt on the fly to employees who prefer to work from anywhere.

In April 2021 when the pandemic seemed to be ending, a record 4 million Americans quit their jobs. The exodus continued in June with another 3.9 employees turning in their resignations. An additional 5.6 million employees separated from their job in one way or another, either moving to part-time, shifting to WFH employment opportunities, or changing careers altogether. As we watch the Great Resignation unfold, forward thinking leaders strategize about what can be done to turn the tide and keep their best employees from becoming a statistic. And the near future isn’t looking much brighter. A recent study by The Predictive Index showed that a staggering 48% of employees have thought about quitting their job in the last 12 months .With almost 1 out of 2 employees considering a role change, it is paramount that leadership acknowledges this shift and becomes flexible in order retain top talent.

Retention begins with paying attention. What is striking to note is that 78% of employees feeling burnout felt their manager was experiencing it as well. Keeping managers engaged and inspired is a challenge as well as they have a direct impact the morale of their teams

Before an employee resigns they go through a series of stages – Disengagement, Re-Evaluation, and Exploration of other opportunities. Spotting the behavioral change is step one- but then when identified, what tools or resources are available to to increase employee satisfaction and create bonds with team members who work remotely? Bondy World Wide, helps companies keep their remote workers feeling connected through curated employee gift boxes perfect for virtual holiday parties and snack boxes that are delivered to teams doorsteps, regardless of where they power up their laptops. Choose a box, upload a teams “ship to address” and let BondyWorld.com handle the rest.

Employees are the lifeblood of every company. Keeping them pumped up and productive is the difference between “Help Wanted” and “Fully Staffed”

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