2 Million College Students Are Graduating This Month, But 80% Don’t Have a Job

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2 million new college grads will flood the market this month, but 80% will not have a professional job when they graduate. To jumpstart their careers, job seekers are urged to follow a comprehensive job search program to find their dream job fast.

This month, nearly 2 million college students will walk the stage with a degree in hand – but up to 80% won’t have a professional job to go to when the graduation festivities are over. And 70% of newly minted grads face the specter of how to pay back an average of $37,000 of school debt. In fact, 59% of grads with student loans have no idea how they will pay off such a daunting amount of money, which is the average salary of a new college grad with a liberal arts degree.

Almost half of all Uber drivers have college degrees, which is symptomatic of the employment challenges many new grads face. And new young grads traditionally experience twice the unemployment rate of the overall job market.

The good news is that this is the best hiring market in almost 10 years, when the Great Recession of 2007 decimated the employment opportunities for new grads and workers of all ages and life stages. And the recently-announced record low unemployment figures portend increased employment opportunities.

This summer, many of these new grads will find employment of some kind, although almost half of grads will end up underemployed in positions that do not require a degree. Overall, 89% of all young college grads under 24 will be employed within a year, even if not in their desired field, compared to just 67% of high school grads. So that college degree will pay off – eventually.

According to career coach Diane Huth, “The problem I see is that most job hunters take a piecemeal approach, focusing almost exclusively on creating a great resume. But it really should be a structured process that starts with harnessing social media, gathering all the tools for the job search like a photo business card, a list of personal references, letters of recommendation and recruiting mentors. Plus, networking is crucial, since half of all jobs are never listed on job boards, but are offered to someone known by the hiring manager or recommended by a friend or colleague. That requires networking skills and often participation in professional or trade associations.”

Huth goes on to explain, “Today, most job seekers rely on job boards like Monster and Indeed, and apply there exclusively. But they don’t know the secrets to personalizing their resume to each opening by keyword matching. The majority of recruiters use ATS software which rejects 75% of applications before a human ever sets eyes on them, so that one great resume they focused on probably won’t pass the test if it is not rewritten for each specific job.”

According to Huth, “The number one way to land a great job is to have one or more internships on your resume, which takes planning throughout the college years. Yet many students don’t focus on a job search until just months before graduation, when it is too late to add real word experience to their resume.”

She adds, “Getting selected for the interview is just half the battle, as it takes skill and insight to successfully complete the series of 3 to 5 interviews that will result in actually getting hired into a professional position. There is a science and art that job seekers need to understand to be successful through this frequently long process.”

Huth is a 30-year marketing expert, who recently started teaching marketing at 2 different universities. She was shocked to learn that her students didn’t have a clue about how to find and land a great job. As a result, she wrote the book BRAND YOU! To Land Your Dream Job to teach students and job seekers of all ages and career stages the secrets of successful job searches. The book and a free downloadable 15-page checklist are available on the website at www.BrandYouGuide.com, or on Amazon at this link.

Huth’s goal is expose all college students to this proven career success program through their schools and colleges, and will start training guidance counselors, career services personnel and career coaches on this program this fall.

Release ID: 199909