​Fort Worth Health Insurance Rates Could Depend on an Arizona Senators Health

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An Arizona Senator could be the key to keeping Fort Worth Health Insurance in tact.

An Arizona Senator could increase the number of residents to enroll in Fort Worth Health Insurance this open enrollment. With Senator John McCain of Arizona on medical leave due to brain cancer, the Republicans still need a 51-seat majority to repeal Obamacare. This means if the Republicans loose two Senators to an abstention, down from three Senators do to John McCain’s absence, Republicans cannot start a procedural vote to repeal Obamacare; a longtime goal for Congressional Republicans. Already, two Senators are on record to vote no to the bill, Senator Rand Paul and Senator Clair Collins. These two votes are enough to oppose the bill to keep it off the Senate floor for debate. However, with John McCain’s return and a deciding vote from Vice President Pence, the bill will pass.

Texas has one of the highest uninsured rates in the country with 4.3 million of its citizens uninsured or about 25% of the nation’s total. By repealing the Affordable Care Act, according to the Congressional Budget Office, the repeal is expected to remove 17 million more persons from the insured rolls in 2018 in the United States. , leaving Texas with about 3,225,000 insured citizens. This would leave about 212,000 additional uninsured Forth Worth residents.

Even worse, because Texas did not accept the Medicare expansion when offered, emergency rooms in Fort Worth and all over Texas will be overrun with patients who no longer receive preventative care through their current insurance, but will use these facilities as a doctor’s office. This will drive up prices in Fort Worth hospitals such as John Peter Smith Hospital, Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Southwest and Kindred Hospital Tarrant County-Fort Worth Hospitals. Such an occurrence would increase premiums, for the cost of emergency care is more expensive than preventative care and insurance companies will pass the higher premiums to the current insured to mitigate emergency room costs. In addition, this bill would remove preventative care for most Texans, thus putting an even larger burden on health insurance premiums for the currently insured.

The GOP is scheduled to vote on Tuesday, July 25th on repealing and/or replacing Obamacare. This vote will be for Senate Republicans to accept the unpopular House Republican’s bill on health insurance reform, which was ranked low in popularity by 88% of voters and expected to leave 23 million citizens without health insurance based on the Congressional Budget Office’s study. If the vote were to pass, Republicans can add amendments to an already unpopular bill once celebrated after it’s passage in the House on the White House Lawn. If the Senate votes to repeal and not replace Obamacare with a bill that reduces the cost of health insurance, this will leave uncertainty in insurance markets in other parts of the state such as Health Insurance in Corpus Christi, Texas; a more rural part of the state. The cost verses benefits are high for all Texans looking to see health care premiums decrease. It does not look as if a repeal vote on Tuesday, July 25th, will do anything to reduce health insurance premiums, causing even more persons nationwide to drop out of the market.

Insurance4Dallas, (I4D), helps insure all of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Arizona, Louisiana, New Mexico, Alabama, Virginia and Florida and provides consumers with detailed information on health insurance with the ability to purchase health insurance online. I4D provides a full spectrum of health, dental, vision, life and other ancillary insurance products providing a diverse selection of price and benefit options complemented by personable customer service. Available via phone, email or fax, Insurance4Dallas answers consumer questions throughout the purchasing process and during the utilization of their health insurance policies.

Release ID: 221117